Chapter 12

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"Louis I'm sure it was nothing! He said he was okay, didn't he? so why would he say he was fine if he really wasn't?" Aubrey says standing and watching Louis pace, running his hands through his unwashed hair freaking out over the Skype he had just received.

"He-he was pulled away before he could finish, and i keep thinking the worst, he looked awful, don't get me wrong Harrys never not beautiful but he looked sick he looked tired and sick Aubrey and I'm worried, I'm glad he was able to call at least we know he's alive but oh my god Aubrey, I'm so relieved he's alive but we need to go soon, storm or no storm" he said and Aubrey shook her head

"Im sorry Lou, i want to go as much as you do but we cant risk an accident because were rushing" she says and as much sense as louis sees in this he can't accept it as reality, he needs to leave soon to save his boy from whatever he was going through. Louis couldn't accept the fact he was helpless to do anything at the moment but wait and wait and wait and it was driving him crazy.

"Its not your fault Lou, if anything its all our faults, we should have left after they found us the first time, I'm not sure why we didn't, i guess we didn't stop to think...." she says and louis sniffles "C'mere" Aubrey says opening her arms and louis flops into them and begins to choke out cries into her shoulder as Aubrey continues to rub his back, hugging him tightly until he cried himself to sleep, too exhausted to even function. So Aubrey calls gently out to liam, who's in the room next door and together they Lift louis into Harry's bed and tuck him in, placing the bear louis had given harry in his arms, so even if he didn't have his little spoon, he had something to cuddle, but as Aubrey was walking away, louis reaches out and grabs Her sleeve, forcing Her to turn around and see what louis wanted.

"Please stay, i don't think i can sleep alone one more night" He says and Aubrey nods

"Ok Lou, ill stay" she says and crawls into the bed behind louis, who turns over, clutching the swirly rainbow bear in his arms as Aubrey pulls him close, whispering about how everything was going to be okay, and that they would have harry back with them soon, and louis drifted back to sleep thinking about what harry was about to say when he was cut off.

The next week passes and everything was NOT okay, the storm was still raging and nobody knew what to do. They were all feeling rather desperate and anxious to get going, frustrated their plans had to keep being pushed back. They couldn't coax louis out of bed no matter how hard they tried, he didn't sleep, he just stared straight ahead into space. Eventually Anne went in to try and comfort him, but it seemed Louis had finally hit his breaking point, and he couldn't take it anymore, he didn't cry because he was so numb he was in a state.

"Louis, please we need you to get up, this storm cant last forever and we need you for this rescue" Louis still didn't answer but he huffed and rolled over so he faced away from Anne, wrapping the covers tighter around himself as he went.

"Louis Tomlinson i refuse to accept you've given up! Now This is my son who's in danger, i know as much as you do but do you see me in a state? No! because I'm helping plan and getting things all ready for when this god damn storm finally end and we can go get my, our boy back!" She spits at him and his eyes focus on her "Louis come on, please" she says and he huffs again this time though he turns towards her, watching her intently as she stands with her arms crossed before him, her face stony "Gem is at home worried sick and if she could be here she would, she's driving down as soon as the storm lets up to join in on the rescue because you need as many people as possible, not his, not you unable to move, how are you supposed to be my sons night in shining armour."

"I might never be a night in shining armour" he says gently under his breath

"Well you sure as hell can try" Anne says and louis sighs

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