Dare 1

10 1 8

AnimetwinMina - Five Who you have a crush on 🤨♨️

Five: W-Wait what!?!?

Mitch: This is gonna be good

Phil: Well I gonna get a donut, will you guys do all teenager antics

Miko: Oh yeah, Who Is it Five, cooome on you can tell ME I'm you best friend!

Five: B-But

Miko: Hm, What's wrong, Five


Five was blushing hard and everyone just sat there uterally confused on who is crushing on.

Five: *Snaps Fingers* Oh, Hey Miko I forgot my lunch in the Lounge can you go get it for me, the room won't me leave

Miko: Sure thing Dude!

Then Miko runs off and when she was out of hearing range Five heavily sighed making everyone confused.

Some Time later

Zarhra: Why are getting rid of Miko?

Haneesh: Yeah, Considering you two are inseparable

Five: Well, I kinda didn't want her in the room when I am Literally saying the fact That I have f-feelings for h-her
Something that can ultimately ruin our friendship

Zarhra: Awww, that's sweet!

(Season 2 Zarhra would have been Crushed on hearing that)

Haneesh: Fun! Just make sure to invite us to the wedding!

Five: W-W-Wait W-WHAT!

Mitch: Looks like I have something new to mock you guys with, haha

Nix: Not funny Mitchell

Then Miko comes back in the Room humming a Fun tune

Miko: Hey Guys! Whadda (What did) I miss?

Five/Zarhra/Haneesh: Nothing!

Miko: Kay, so Five you gonna say your crush hmm

Miko said getting close to his face making blush a bit

MizunoJapan: Sorry but, I am Afraid that we ran out of time, so let's just wait for the next dare hm!

Miko: Wait What?

MizunoJapan: You heard Me, now Lights off it's now curfew so, now everybody find a bed and we'll have more dares tomorrow Kay

|Miko's P.O.V. |

I went to get Five's Lunch and I found in a green antique chair he was sitting in and grabbed it

As I headed back near the entrance I heard Five and the Others talking

Zarhra: Why are you getting rid of Miko

This Struck Me like a lightning bolt
Five wanted to get rid of Me Why?

Haneesh: Yeah, considering you two are inseparable

Very Much True, I nod in agreement

Five: Well, I kinda didn't want her in the room when I am literally saying the fact I have f-feelings for h-her
Something that would ultimately ruin our friendship

W-What. Five has... A Crush... On M-Me.
I started to hyperventilate and my cheeks felt hot and I tried to calm myself down

Miko:*Whispers to self* You mean the boy I been crushing since we basically met, LOVES ME BACK

Then I sighed happily to myself not hearing that their conversation was over

Then I rush inside humming my favorite song (I SO happy)

And well you hnow the rest!

496 words not Including this ending
Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and a huge thank you to
AnimetwinMina for the dare! 💐


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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