Chapter 36 Daughter-in-law

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Wen Yan hadn't been to school for a week. As soon as he entered the classroom, a girl from his class dragged him over and rubbed him. He exaggeratedly said that his little face had become thinner. They asked him where he went to play, knowing that he had new homework this week. What?

Of course, Wen Yan couldn't say that he had gone to the territory of the demon world. He vaguely said that he had gone abroad. He took out the small gifts he bought and divided them among them. Everyone who saw them had a share, so he finally sat back in his seat.

Li Zheng occupied the seat for him. When she saw him coming, she did not rush towards him enthusiastically. Instead, she looked at him seriously and pulled him over to look left and right, just like a dean inspecting prohibited items.

"What are you doing?" Wen Yan asked confusedly, "Where are you interrogating the prisoner?"

Li Zheng made sure that he was safe and sound, then asked him to sit down on his seat, and added a sound barrier around him, and then asked, "Why didn't you tell me about your kidnapping?"

Wen Yan was shocked. He had indeed not told Li Zheng about his kidnapping, nor his parents. It was not that he deliberately hid it, but simply that he did not want them to worry.

But Li Zheng asked him, and he didn't deny it: "It happened, but it's not serious. Rong Xiao came to save me quickly. But how did you know?"

Li Zheng glanced at him, took out his phone, clicked on the page and handed it to Wen Yan, "Do you think humans are the only ones with news websites? There are just as many gossip weeklies in the demon world."

Wen Yan took the phone and looked at it, and saw that the title was "The little lovely human wife was suddenly kidnapped, and Mr. Rong was furious!"

The subtitle is - "Revealing the secret conspiracy of the Zhu Yan clan".

Full of UC shocking taste.

Wen Yan: "............"

Sure enough, paparazzi in the world, whether they are humans or monsters, write headlines that are equally scary.

However, he took a closer look and found that the content of the tabloid was not very accurate. It only had a rough idea. It said that he was kidnapped and then Rong Xiao went to rescue others. The main culprit of the Zhu Yan clan was imprisoned. The case only accounted for ten minutes. one. The remaining nine-tenths were spent speculating on what kind of beauty he must be to be able to make Rong Xiao dizzy.

That adjective makes even a narcissistic person like Wen Yan feel embarrassed.

"You demon world paparazzi are really strong in making up nonsense. You also said that Zhu Yan is interested in me and wants to fight for my love." Wen Yan touched his arm and felt goosebumps rising. "That's nonsense, Zhu Yan." Those who hate the tribe will kill me."

Li Zheng didn't believe this report either, it was very unreliable.

But he forced Wen Yan to explain the matter clearly. Kidnapping was not a trivial matter.

Wen Yan didn't hide it from him, and recounted the whole thing in an understatement, adding a little artistic processing to the injured area, saying it was a flesh injury.

But Li Zheng was still shocked when he heard this, and his face turned a little pale. He held his hand and warned earnestly: "You must go out less often in the future. This can happen under Mr. Rong's nose."

Wen Yan nodded noncommittally.

But since Wen Yan didn't have any major incident and came back fine, Li Zheng was interested in gossiping.

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