p1: the beginning

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First things first: hi. This is my first story in watpad so I hope you enjoy it. And I'm sorry for my grammar mistakes. You see, English is my second language 😁


As he gazed deep into the river , dangerous thoughts crossed his mind.
He was hopeless. Life was hopeless. The ideal life which he was dreaming about was ruined by the cruel destiny. As he was lost in thoughts, suddenly his phone rang. Seeing the name, he smirked helplessly.
"" Now what?""
_"" yeonjun_ah, where are you? Why did you leave the hospital? ""
Yeonjun:" Why do you care? I'm just a burden, remember! Leave me alone. ""
Heavy sight could be heard frome the other side of the line.
_"" yeonjun, I'm just worried about you. I'm trying to help you!""
Yeonjun:" I don't need help.. listen..I'm tired, I'm tired of this nonsense. I know deep down you are happy to see me like this.. crushed, and ruined...so leave me be.."
Yeonjun unknowingly, while talking on the phone, walked around the area until he reached the crowded road. It was raining, and everyone was running with their umbrellas to reach out to their homes sooner. But yeonjun wasn't in any rush. In fact, he wanted to just kill some time. He didn't even care that he was completely wet.
_:" hyung... please don't be this stubborn and come back now! It's cold outside..you know what? Just tell me where you are. I'm gonna be right there. "
Yeonjun was pissed and angry. So this time, he raised his tone.
Yeonjun:" Choi soobin_ssi ! didn't you understand? I wanna be a.l.o.n.e the end!! I'm tired of this...I'm really sick of your petty and so-called sympathy! Leave me alone...."
But before he could complete his sentence, suddenly he felt a sharp pain all over his body. Feeling like some sort of heavy machine just hit him. Before he could realise what was going on, he could feel blood coming from his head. He was in an accident. But still, he could figure out how it happened.
_:" yeonjun_ah!! Yeonjun_ah! Choi yeonjun, what happened ? Please answer me! What was that sound?"
Yeonjun now could hear the sound of the other person from his phone. But he couldn't speak. He felt darkness through his sight. "" Was that really his ending? ""
Jut two weeks ago, he tried to take his own life, and now?..who knew his life would end like this. With a stupid accident. He tried his best to reach out to his phone, but he wasn't successful. Now, he wasn't able to hear anything. After a while, darkness was the only thing he could see.
Yeonjun:" So... now I'm dying like this, huh?...I wonder..what if my life was more different .. what if I could change anything?....what I'm even thinking... I was miserable until the last moment...how pathetic.."
As those thoughts came to his mind, he was now completely surrounded by the darkness...
Now he could remember when his misery started from..
All his misery started 6 years ago..

**** 6 years ago ****
_:" Sure, you have some nerves asking me for help!!"
Said yeonjun with a smirk as he angrily looked at his older brother. "" seokmin, "" who always brings trouble with him.
_:" Come on, yeonjun_ah! Don't be like that! I'm older than you, so you should have my back always!"
Yeonjun sighed and looked at some pile of papers on his desk.
_:" I have my own works to do too, you know! Please just go away for now!"
Seokmin looked at him with a smirk. He knew yeonjun would say no to his request this time.
_:" Then... I have no choice but to show this amazing pic to the media. "
Then he showed yeonjun a picture captured in his phone.
Yeonjun's look became terrified and worried. Though he tried his best not to show it. It was a picture of him and his boyfriend, yijae
_:" How the hell did you get this picture. "
Seokmin smirked and shook his phone in front of yeonjun's face.
_:" Well, all I'm saying is that if you don't want this master piece to be leaked to everyone, listen to me and do as I say!"
Yeonjun just scoffed and smirked as he was annoyed.
_:" Alright, what do you want from me?"
_:" See? That wasn't so hard. You know yuna? My dear fiancé whom I love dearly?  We arranged a date today! But I was supposed to see one of our business partners, so go and talk to the business partner in my place, please! "
Yeonjun sighed and shook his head.
_:" Alright, alright...I'll go and meet them in your place..."
Before he could finish his sentence, seokmin suddenly put some huge amount of papers on yeonjun's desk.
_:" Oh, I almost forgot. Please check those documents, too, and don't make any mistakes. "
Seokmin didn't wait for yeonjun's answer and stormed out of yeonjun's room
Yeonjun put off his glasses and placed them on his desk while massaging his head.
_:"It seems like I'm going to be overworking today, too..."

After he finished work and his meeting with the business partner, he rushed towards him and his boyfriend's house.

So he texted him.

Yeonjun _<< "Darling, I finished my work. Are you home?>>

He gazed into his phone, waiting for an answer from his boyfriend. But it seems his partner was already quite mad at him for not spending enough time with him.
Yeonjun got close to his boyfriend's apartment. He entered the password of the door's lock and came inside the house.
_:" I'm home dear. I'm sorry for being late..."
The smile on his face slowly faded as he saw something unpleasant.. he wanted to throw up but tried to manage his cool.
_:" Y..Yijae...."
His boyfriend was hugging and making out with a stranger girl! That scene was making him sick to his stomach.
Yijae:" Y..Yeonjun_ah...when You came? I thought you were working overtime. Hehe..."
He laughed awkwardly. He even had the audacity to come over to yeonjun and touch his face. Yeonjun pushed him away harshly. He was trembling and shaking out of anger.
_:" How could you do this to me..."
The girl was still there, sitting on the couch and smirking. Yijae just sighed.
_:" yeonjun_ah...you see.. we dating each other was a mistake.. I'm actually not gay... you are a good guy but we can't be together.."
Yeonjun was still angry.
_:" So now after two years of dating and wasting my time you suddenly discover that you are now attracted to girls hah?...you jerk!!"
Yeonjun couldn't help but slap him quite hard. He didn't wait for his response and stupid excuses, so he just went outside the house.
He was still shaking, but he knew he couldn't just give up. Though he just broke up with his so-called boyfriend.
_:" I should go to my own house..I can't stay here..."
So he just heads home while being deeply into thoughts. Not knowing the future would be worst.

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