Chapter 4

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The studio was bustling as 9:30 PM drew near, with camera operators working feverishly to ensure a flawless broadcast while Katrina and Barbara got ready to lead the "Surya Primetime News at 21:30." Barbara followed on with ease when Katrina grabbed the lead and articulated the key political headline report.

Juliana had finished touch-ups in the cosmetics department and was heading to the studio. She had no idea that Homer, the astute executive producer, had seen her arrive. Homer kept a close check on every aspect, knowing that accuracy was essential for a successful broadcast. This allowed the anchors and the production team to retain the high caliber that Surya News is known for.

As Homer observed the ongoing studio work, she noticed small symptoms of distress on Juliana's face, which she couldn't ignore. He got up from his chair, determined to deal with the matter, and looked around him until he spotted Juliana.

Homer enquired. "Juliana, is everything okay? You seem a bit off."

Juliana forced a comforting grin on her face while trying to hide her lingering thoughts, saying, "Oh, I'm fine, Homer. Just caught up in my thoughts."

With a skeptical eye, Homer studied her nonverbal cues before asking, "You sure? You don't seem like your usual self. Is there something on your mind?"

Following a brief period of indecision, Juliana said, "Well, there's something mysterious I noticed in the bathroom, but it's nothing major. Just got me a bit spooked."

Alarmingly, Homer asked, "Mysterious? What happened? You can talk to me about it."Refusing to reveal the mysterious text she had seen, Juliana merely said, "It's hard to explain, sir. Just a strange feeling. I'll be fine, though."

"Okay, if you ever need to talk or if something's bothering you, I'm here. Let's focus on the show for now, and we can address anything later if needed," Homer nodded reassuringly, acknowledging Juliana's hesitation to divulge specifics.

After that, Homer moved back to the work that was being done in the studio, but his thoughts continued to be troubled by Juliana.

The following morning, Marissa broke her habit of being late and showed up on time in the busy atmosphere of the network. She wasn't quite ready for breakfast, but she was determined to make the most of the morning. She unintentionally ran across colleague entertainment news reporter Larissa Mahalakshmi while navigating the network.

Reluctantly, Marissa said, "I'm sorry for bumping into you, Larissa."

Disregarding the situation, Larissa said, "No worries, Marissa. I'm in a bit of a rush too."Astonished that Larissa recognized her by name, Marissa thanked her, saying, "Oh, you know me? Thank you."

"I knew you because I see you around here; for being late as what the production crew said," inquired Larissa with a kind smile.

"Fine, don't mention it. I have just been reprimanded lightly by ma'am Sylvia, a week ago" Marissa replied.

"Have you had breakfast yet? I just finished mine. Maybe we can grab a quick bite together." Larissa responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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