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Little heads up from writer!
Hello I am ocean, Am glad you clicked on this story and I hope you at least enjoyed yourself enough to stick around.

still learning and will probably be fixing up chapters or making things different in the future.

Anyways back to what this story is actually about.

Going into the real world after finally finishing school can be tricky and hard finding your footing as an adult can come with it's difficulty's and you soon realise that.

Your on your own you've just moved out of your college dorm and into your own small apartment with a Not great paying job.

You didn't study years just to land a Customer service job so you start to apply but you soon realise as well you don't exactly have a lot of experience on your resume for the job you actually wanted to do after school so you improvise.

And sign up for a apprenticeship and actually get it.

You become close to your colleagues to the point we're professionalism is thrown out the window completely.


This is a multiple character x reader fanfic

Ships include

Noel noa

Isagi Yoichi


Also it's a smut incase you couldn't tell lmaoo

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