Chapter 4

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Poetry 4  [Unwavering Forelsket ]


To me, You're like shade under the sun, moonlight in dark alleys, brightest light in dark rooms...... Breeze of cool wind, calm waves on shores, medicine for my Deepest wounds, healer for my mental health, best friend for my inner child, therapist for my messed up state, a lover for the rest of my life, An amazing advisor for my all problems, partner in crime for my silly things, A great listener for my all day rants and gossips, A best person for me who'll be with me by my side till my last breath... You're like a centre point of earth and a shield like ozone... And a fire in heavy winter to keep warmth... You're like a butterfly whose wings are spread in the sky and only the luckiest one would get to touch it.... You're like a drug, once it gets intoxicated into the body, the world gets invisible and void.. Too busy to care which world you are in.... You've left a permanent stamp in my mind which is hard to erase.... You've left your footprints in the grounds of my heart... You've left your beats in my heartbeat.. You've left your breath in my sense... You're like a vein of blood running through all my body... If it gets drained I'll be pale blue and wouldn't survive... And my soul and body cramps by the pain I'd felt and one last breath then I'd be at peace, but still empty without you and the desire of your longing love...!!!



I just write what i feel. Hope you like it. Enjoy while listening to this masterpiece. <3! ✨🤍

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