The Last Mission(Part 1)

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Geralt puts his sword inside another one killing him almost immediately. His eyes fixed on Geralts as he dies a painful death. Another one trying to blindside him suddenly blows up into pieces and dies instantly blood falling on Geralts face. He turns to his left where he sees Yennifer standing there smirking. "You owe me another Witcher." Geralt grunts and stands up putting his sword in his hilt on his back. "Well seems to be all of them", Geralt says as he walks over to one of them and picks up a Witcher medallion. "Vessimir told us there was dozens here but by the looks of it there's only a handful of bodies", Yennifer says in concern. Geralt walks over to each body and picks up their medallions. Yennifer looks at him quizzically. "Do you really have to do that? Aren't they traitors?" Geralt doesn't answer her right away. He picks up all the medallions the Witchers had and stuffs them in his pouch where he also keeps his gold. "A Witcher is a Witcher no matter your allegiance or history. They were despicable men yes, even still they were Witchers same as me. Their medallions will be hanged on the tree as will mine someday." Yennifer looks away in dejection. The Witchers head suddenly perks up as he looks around. "Geralt what is it?" "Shh", Geralt quickly exclaimed. Yennifer became quiet as Geralt had requested to listen to what he was hearing. However she didn't hear anything yet still the Witcher was looking around in confusion. Did he finally lose his mind? Wouldn't blame him really. I would too if I had to kill all my fellow brothers. " you not hear that?" "Hear what Geralt?" For a moment Yen considered leaving him in this confused state at least that's what her mind was telling her but her heart was singing a tune; a fine tune she heard this one bard sing. "Toss a coin to your Witcher!" She loved Geralt but since they couldn't have any children of their own she could never stick by his side. Even with how much she really wants to and ever since Ciri, a daughter figure to her and to him, passed on from old age some 10 years ago they really haven't had any reason to stick together but this latest mission brought them back once again. And Yen, like always, couldn't help herself around Geralt. Geralt slowly unsheathes his sword as Yen snaps back to. "Geralt! Have you gone mad?" "I hear laughter somewhere." "What?" Geralt slowly walks towards the river that set next to the campsite of the traitors. He moved slowly to avoid detection in case it was a trap for them. He didn't want to put Yen in any unnecessary danger, yet as always she heads into danger without concern. Geralt never understood why she does it. He did ask her at one point when they were in the bath together some years ago and she was washing his back. "Yen." "Yes Geralt?" "How do you head into battle with no fear? No concern? No hesitation?" Yen looks away for a moment as it seems she has to think of her answer. She smirks as she looks back at him. "What are you saying Geralt? Don't you Witchers get trained to have no fear or hesitation or concern when heading into battle especially since your enemies are monsters?" "Yes." "Then why-" "Yen I'm not asking a Witcher I'm asking a sorceress." Yen looks away once again to think. She has more of a concerned look than she did previously. "I was trained that way as well. When I was becoming a sorceress my teacher taught me not to fear anything even not to fear my own power but to embrace it and to have confidence within it. Geralt," Geralt turns around to face Yennifer,"I am afraid every time I head into battle but I've learned to trust in my power and never fear anything but...I am afraid. I'm afraid of losing someone close to me every time I use this power but I can't stop using it because if I do then that person very well might perish in battle alongside me. So you see Geralt I'm not as fearless as you think I am or as you are." Geralt sits up. "Yen...I'm afraid of going into battle too. I'm afraid that someone close to me will lose their grip and lose their will to their power and will perish. I'm afraid that after that person perishes I'll become the things they say I am. An emotionless killer. A slaughterer...A monster." "Oh Geralt." "Yen" They embrace and hold each other for a while before going to bed together. Geralts mind snaps back to the present where he sees a boy screaming and fighting a band of men..a band of Witchers who at the look of it were clueless of the fight that had taken place moments ago. They're all laughing as the boy frantically swings his sword around that is obviously too big for him. Geralt can barely hear what they're saying. "Look at this men. A little general in our midst." The boy drops the sword and falls on his knees his head hanging low. The men's laughter gets louder at this and they pick up his sword from the ground. "Well look at this I believe this can catch a pretty pouch of silver don't you think men?" All the men nod in unison. Geralt slowly climbs down the steep hill separating the men from him hiding behind a tree. As the men have no idea that Geralt was on his way the boy looks back up at the band of Witchers. He picks himself up from the ground and lunges for the sword he had in his hand a few moments ago. The Witcher who had it quickly moved it and the boy fell down hard on the ground. The men's laughter grew louder once again. "Hah! He fell on his arse again what a absolute piece of shit." The men roared with laughter at the boy. One of the Witchers a wide man with a big belly kneels down next to the boy. "You're gonna have to try harder than that if you want your fathers sword back. Less if you want to end up like him." The man points up to a tree next to them that Geralt was hiding behind. Geralt also looks up to where the man was pointing. Hanging from the tree above was 3 corpses with their guts hanging out as they sway back and forth at the command of the southwest wind and unfortunately the smell of the corpses were heading Geralts way. The boy looked at the one at the far right, a beaten up corpse with cuts all over his body and naked. Geralt recognized this way of torture and marking. The knights of the North Orchard uses these methods of torture and hanging to signify penance and justice. Are they using this method to frame or signify the North Orchard Knights? Or are they working with them? Geralt didn't have long to ponder the question as the boy again lunges for the sword but this time he is able to grab it as that last lunge caught the man by surprise. He kicks the man in the knee and punches him on the cheek. The man became enraged. As the boy was pulled off him he grabbed his sword and swung. The boy closes his eyes preparing for death. *Clang* All the Witchers were quiet and caught by surprise as Geralts sword quickly stopped the other Witchers sword from killing the boy. Another Witcher behind Geralt swung his sword but Geralt was too fast and was able to move out of the way quickly. Geralt plunges his sword into one of the men's stomach behind the swinging Witcher. He coughs up blood and dies a few moments later. Geralt pulls out his sword and cuts the throat of another one as well as the head of one that was lunging towards him from the right. The Witcher rolls through a sword strike that hit the ground instead of him and throws a dagger that hit the swinging man's eye. "WHITE WOLF!!" The wide man yelled from his left. He had the kid by his throat and Geralt had a good look at the boy now. He had discolored eyes and a makeshift medallion. The boy was a Witcher.

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