Chapter 2- Vasmir

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Vasmir kneels down between his wife's and sons grave, placing flowers on on the ground below their crosses which have rotten and decayed vastly. Fortunately Vasmir changes them out every so often as to uphold their memory. But even still that will never help the nightmares. His wife's cross read: Here Lies a Loving mother and human being Alyon Ismanna. And his sons read: Here lies a loving and innocent boy who Christ will welcome him with open arms to the gates of heaven Thomas Ismanna. Vasmir sits at their graves for a long time sitting in silence as the wind blows by. He always thought it was strange that they never put "loving husband" at this he jokingly thought Maybe they ran out of room. However he already knew why. It was because of who he was or rather what he was. He was a Witcher. Known throughout lands as Vasmir the slayer of evil humans and monsters. He always hated that name because it misrepresented him so much. He didn't kill evil humans on purpose. More it was because they were in his way to a monster that they were protecting to keep alive for greedy reasons or selfless ones. The ones he encountered that hid away monsters for protection were because they were making a profit off of them and they didn't want their way of money to be cut down, so they hid them from the people and Monster hunters much like Witchers and Witchers themselves. The only way to kill a monster when it's under that much protection from someone willing to die for it is to die. They will die by the hand of Vasmir the slaughtered as he is known by his other name. A fairytale parents conjured up to scare their children to go to bed at Vasmirs expense of course. He was a Witcher after all. Nobody liked a Witcher "Vasmir!" Called a voice from behind. It was a familiar voice of a familiar friend. He stood up to his feet and walked over to the old friend who was just getting off his horse himself. "Vasmir, old friend!" "Jak! How have you been?" "Well I could be better, be in a bed with a woman or drinking a pint would be lovely right about now." "Some things never change Hm?" Vasmir pulls Jak close for a hug. They disperse from the enclosure. "Hey Vasmir have you a companion in this village?" "Actually no, I don't." He turns mournfully towards the two crosses on top of the hill behind him. Jak notices and tries to cheer the Witcher up. "Hey Vasmir I have a drinks and women with our names on it back at the tavern would you like to accompany me?" "I would like to Jak but I have important matters to take care of today." "Ah well..may I ask what sort of business do you have here back in North Orchard?" "I came to see my family and I got a message from a stranger." Vasmir pulls out a scroll with a just one sentence on it. Vasmir the slaughterer come find me. "Well a lot of trouble for one sentence wouldn't you say?" "Maybe? But if I think that's who I think it is then I do have unfinished business here." "Of course Vasmir...but hey if you wouldn't mind if you ever want I'll be at the tavern getting shitfaced all day." "I appreciate the offer Jak." Jak turns and heads to his horse leaping onto the horses back before turning towards the town village he looks at Vasmir with mockery. "You know I wish someday you would tell me how you lost your right eye and got that scar there." "In due time and if you can get me drunk enough." Jak bursts into laughter as Vasmir just smirks, as Jak leaves he heads to his own horse which he named after his mother. She meant so much to him and so too his father but his mother he loved more than life itself. She was a guiding light in the darkness that weighs down his dreams and corrupts his nightmares. When she died he felt something lovely and warm leave him like the sun leaving and never coming back. Vasmir jumps on his horse and rides off to town. As he is reaching the town he looks around at his surrounding things he's seen all the time he can here. A boulder on the top right of the mountain to his right, a patch of grass that stops dead before the desert in a perfect straight line, and a rock shaped diamond that always stuck out to him and it always gave him comfort knowing nothing new has occurred here and so he is most likely safe from harm but Vasmir knows no place is safe from harm as long as a Witcher is around. As he approaches the town he suddenly feels this uneasiness that he feels when someone or...something is watching him. He looks around quickly to find the source of his uneasiness but no luck. It could be his imagination or just a feeling he gets sometimes seeing that he is watched all the time by strangers as he passes by them feeling their fear of him. He stops for a moment to concentrate on that feeling to accurately pinpoint where it was coming from. He knew it wasn't just a strange feeling it had something behind it he just had to find out where. Suddenly his medallion starts vibrating. A sign of witchcraft...or monsters are nearby. He jumps up on his horse and somersaults off the horses back and lands on his feet as a small needle hit the boulder to his left. The shape of a diamond after that needle hit it turned into a hourglass. Vasmir couldn't explain what he was seeing with his own two eyes. He pulls his sword from his sheath making a loud noise that usually scared away the low monsters but this was no low monster. Another needle flew by. Vasmir rolled to his right out of its path and then to the left out of the way of another one. He looks around anxiously trying to find where it was coming from. *Whoosh* Another coming straight at him and with no time to dodge it he quickly grabs his dagger and puts it in front of him the needle bouncing off of it. He saw where it came from this time. He runs towards the last needles direction and dove through the bushes that covered the assailants identity for Vasmir. As he dove through he caught a glimpse of the person. It was a woman. A woman, beautiful and not more than he thought 30 years, was standing in front of him with a sorrowful expression on her face. She looked nervous and scared. No, more worried than scared. Vasmir could see she wasn't scared of him as much as she was worried about something else. Something that had nothing to do with him. He spoke to her softly and clearly as to not agitate her any further. "What business do you have with me?" She didn't respond at first but eventually the words came out in a soft, womanly tone. "I was paid 50 gold for your head and your head I will claim." She looked for fear in his face or maybe even anger, it would've been better than what she actually got. She looked for fear but only saw compassion and empathy. She didn't want his empathy only his head but she couldn't help herself to ask him. "Why aren't you afraid?" She meant for it to come out authoritatively instead it came out in a soft whisper of uncertainty. "Afraid? Why? You can't seem to keep your weapon steady between your fingers. Why would I be afraid of an amateur? And a bad one at that." "You dare mock me monster?" "Monster? You don't know half of what a true monster is." "Yes I do. It's you." "And how are you so sure?" "The Ent village. My home village." Vasmir stopped his snarky remark and his face turned dark. "You-you don't know the half of what happened there that day." "Vasmir the slaughterer of villages I hereby challenge you to a duel." Vasmirs eyebrow above his scarred blind eye raised. "No." "No?" "You heard my words." She was so stunned at his remark that she, for just a moment, thought she had the wrong monster. But she shook her head and it became clear that she was not wrong. She pointed her dagger at him again. "If you charge at me again with that puny knife it will not end well for you." She didn't listen. She charged at Vasmir and he would've killed her if he did sense murderous intent however in her last charge there was none it was as if she doubted something. He grabbed her wrist and the dagger in a swift motion so fast. Shw kept fighting without her dagger pulling another from her back. She still couldn't keep up with his movements and he was so swift. Finally he grabbed her second dagger and lifted her up by the wrist he was still holding on to. "You're fast I'll give you that but you're not as fast as a Witcher." He let her go and she fell on to her knees crumbling and she broke into a long sob. She looked up at Vasmir. "Why? Why my village of all villages did you have to slaughter mine?" He somberly looked at her. "I don't need your pity you monster!" He wasn't looking at her in pity or remorse but in sorrow as if he was sorrowful too. He turned away from her and walked back towards his horse. She didn't realize what that was. "You weren't the only one to lose something so important to you that day." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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