The Last Mission(Part 2)

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Geralt definitely knew now. Yes he is a Witcher. But how? We only came out here to investigate monsters being created by Witchers not Witchers being created. Geralt looks up at the wide man still holding the sword to the boys throat. The wide man starts backing up towards the hill but Geralt yells for him. "You! How many? How many children? How many children did you turn into Witchers successfully?" The man smirks at Geralt he knew the answer would make Geralt squirm if only a little and it may buy him time. "I lost count truthfully. Maybe dozens. Maybe hundreds." As he planned Geralt squirmed a little and lost concentration if only for a second but it was enough to let him escape. He pushed the boy into the Witcher and starts up the hill frantically running from the white wolf. As soon as Geralt checks on the boy for any life threatening injuries he pushes the boy to the side, who kneels down and picks up his fathers sword clinging onto it for dear life, and chases after the wide man who is already halfway up the hill when suddenly Geralt closes his eyes as liquid hits his face some even getting into his eyes making him wipe it away and check what is was. It was blood. The wise man that was standing just a few yards from the Witcher was now nothing but a splatter of blood on the ground. Yennifer suddenly appears in front of him. "I hate it when you do that Yen." "I know Geralt." Geralt slighlty smirks at her words almost laughing but he successfully holds it in. He suddenly remembered the boy down the hill. "The boy!" Before Yennifer could say anything Geralt turned his back to her and started walking back down the hill. When Geralt reached the bottom of the hill he spotted the boy still on the ground and clutching his fathers sword for dear life. A deep sigh of relief escaped Geralts mouth and he knelt behind the boy looking over his shoulder at the sword he was holding. He got a good look at it and he almost recognizes it but just couldn't place where he had seen it before at that particular moment. Geralt put his hand on the boys shoulder and the boy suddenly turned around his gaze locking with Geralts both piercing discolored eyes meet and Geralt feels a sort of familiarity with this boy. "Have I seen you somewh-", he started but was suddenly interrupted by Yennifer calling to him. She notices the boy once she catches up to the both of them. "By the gods Geralt is that a?..." "It is Yen. A boy... A Witcher. He was one of their subjects they experimented on and turned into Witchers." Yennifer kneels down next to the boy who was still cradling the sword his father apparently owned looking into the far distance with the eyes of a broken boy. "Geralt what should we do?" "There is nothing we can do for him Yen. He's already a Witcher." "Yes I can see that Geralt but what are we going to do now?" "Leave him, I suppose." "You can't be serious Geralt." "I am." "But why?" Geralt didn't answer her he just stared at the boy. "You can't do this to the boy Geralt." "And why do you care so much Yen? He's just a boy who was abandoned by his family. I'm sure you came across a thousandfold just like him and you didn't do anything to help them." "Geralt that's not fair." "Well Yen I'm sorry but life isn't f.." He started but trailed off as he knew where this conversation was going. It was going down the same path all of theirs did in the past. "Geralt.." Geralt turns away for moment as to think of something but he finds no answer to what he was looking for. Suddenly he feels a warmth behind him and he feels her arms wrap around him and he can smell her perfume and it was making him feel more warmth and love for Yennifer and she knew that. This was a calculated strategy. "Geralt..." "Yes Yen?" "Weren't you at one point abandoned by your parents as well? Shifted to that place that makes Witchers." "Kaer Morhen" "Yes...well this boy doesn't he remind you of yourself when you were just a boy?" Geralt turned to the boy for only a brief moment but that's all it took for him to visualize his past of becoming a Witcher. The pain. The suffering. He knew this boy went through the same process he did and possibly experienced the same things he did and yet here are both of them willing to fight for what was precious to them. For the boy it's his fathers sword and as for Geralt...well it's Yennifer of course. He felt in that moment a small hint of pity but it was enough for Yen to latch onto. "I know you blame yourself for Ciri but you don't have to go down that same path as her. She was your daughter, your destiny, and this well...could be...your son. A new path destiny wants you to follow." Geralt quickly looked back at Yen with a sort of sadness in his eyes and he looked back at the boy with his discolored eyes. "Fine you can bring him along and I will not call him my son and I will not train him as a Witcher not after Ciri." "Geralt you have to teach him something or else he won't survive out there in the harsh Mother Nature." "Fine I can teach him the basics but that's it. Come on boy let's go home." "Wait Geralt." "Yes yen?" "We haven't given him a name yet." "A name?" "Yes. A name. Something we can call him when we need dishes done, or laundry folded, or chopping firewood, or when he's outside playing in the grassy fields we call him inside for supper. Oh Geralt." Yen falls into Geralts arms and they embrace for a while until Geralt broke the silence. "Vasmir." "What?" "His name shall be Vasmir." "Why that Geralt?" "I don't know feels right to me." Yen nodded at this gesture and they finally parted from their embrace. Geralt turned and picked the boy up from the ground still clutching to his fathers sword. Geralt sets him on the saddle of his horse and he climbs on. "Come on Roach, let's go." They all three ride off into the day and in the case of Yennifer on their way to the rest of their lives.

The Witcher Legacy: Call Of The White WolfNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ