The Sea Is Calling

The sea can take a powerful toll on your life. You can go into the ocean and survive or you can go into the ocean and die. Your luck. Nearly 97% of the worlds water is salty, undrinkable. It's composed from two elements, Hydrogen and Oxygen. H2O. Water expands 9% when it freezes. Water regulates the Earth's temperature. Also regulates the temperature of a human body, carries our nutrients and oxygen to cells, cushions joints, protects organs and tissues. Removes waste. Isn't that funny how water 'removing waste' has two meanings. A humanly and a drowning way. Anyone who can control water cab easily assert dominance over the world.

The sea calls to someone. The sea longs for them. Their manipulating waves calls for them. Sending the shocks to their body, calling out and longing for them.

It doesn't care who they have to leave. When the sea follows you around and singles you out, you listen.

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