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The Sea Is Calling


Jay sprinted towards her with the others following behind him. Her hair and gi was wet. Her sleeves were rolled uo and her gi half zipped up. There were clear burns and blisters all on her.

"Nya! Nya? Nya are you ok?" Jay crouched down and placed his hand on her arm.

"Jesus Nya you're boiling!" Jay panicked.

"It looks like she must've gone for a swim in the water" Zane pointed out. Nya's chest was rising and falling normally but all of a sudden it started to rapidly rise.

"We need to get her checked out!" Kai said.

Jay picked her up bridal style running back through the cave and out of the whole building.

She gasped a few times and coughed but stayed unconscious. Jay ran to his car placing Nya on his lap. He shut the hatch and sped back to the monastery with the others on his tail.

"Sensei Wu! Help!" Jay leaped out of his vehicle and ran up the stairs out of the garage. Wu was in his library studying scrolls. He turned around to see Jay frantically breathing.

"Jay? What happened?" Wu was concerned.

"How do you treat burns?" Jay said sweetly.

Wu rolled his eyes. Jay took Nya to the medical room and slowly undid her gi so she was in her vest and shorts. Her entire body was covered in burn marks. He got a wet cloth and carefully put them on her wounds cleaning them.

Nya jolted up hissing in pain.

"Nya? Calm down I know it hurts but stay calm" Jay kissed her knuckles.

She rested her head back down. Wincing every so often and blinking hardly.

Kai eventually walked in with some plasters.

"Everyone alright Nya?" Kai asked crouching down next to her beginning to peel the plasters of the packet.

"Yeah just..burnt" She laughed slightly but wincing in pain again.

"Sorry Nya! Just a few more to clean" Jay reassured. Kai started to place plasters around her arms.

"What happened then Nya?" Kai asked.

"I saw some of those weird fish people walking down into the basement so I followed, they started to swim away and I wanted to see where they were going but instead the water was boiling hot and they caught me then fighting blablabla..." She responded.


"So...how did you pass out then?" Jay wanted to know.

"I think it was from the water being to hot my body couldn't handle it." Nya shrugged.


"Well you're all cleaned up now, probably best to rest for a few days." Kai waved and walked out. Jay kissed her cheek and left too.

Nya sighed. She couldn't tell them what really happened it would alarm them.

What really happened is that she heard the calling again.

-1 hour ago-

'Nyaaaa...come downstairs and come meet mee, Nyaaa'

Nya banged her head against the nearest wall. Why's it happening to me she thought.


"FINE!" She screamed storming downstairs. She opened the hatch and was met with a deepening, dark red light and steam. She jumped down walking through the tunnel. She could hear whispers and the ocean.

She looked ahead and saw to fish looking guys staring at her.

"Welcome Nya." Their gruff voices said in sync.

"What are you two?" Nya had her arms shielding her chest.

"We are the Leviathan. We came to land to look for you." One said. His shirt was missing trying to flex his scale muscles? Nya grimaced when she realised.

"Why me?" Nya took a step back to all of a sudden feel hands clamp her shoulder keeping her in place. She looked up to see some weirdly tall women looking down at her.

"Uhh hey girll.." Nya tried to laugh "Anyways what do you want from me?" Nya asked.

"We need our ruler back. We lost her." The woman said.

"Well I uhh hope you find her!" Nya said trying to get out of that woman's grasp.

"We have already." The other fishman said in sync."

"Oh really..great." Nya knew what was about to happen. "So uhh do I have to come with you yet?" Nya asked.

"Not yet. We need you to break the trust of everyone you love, stop talking to them so if you ever return to land no one will accept you and you have bo choice but to return to the sea." Fishman pointed.

"And if I don't?" Nya mocked.

"We use force."

Before Nya could process that the Leviathans dived into the water.

"Wait! I have more questions!" She dived in after them but immediately regretted it. She swam out of the water. She climbed back onto the rocky surface feeling weaker from before.

"Wish I didn't....do...that." She gasped with every breath before falling into a sleep.

-Flash forward-

Nya walked out of the medical room to find all the others in the library searching through scrolls.

"Hey Nya feeling better?" Lloyd asked. She just nodded.

"Nya did you encounter the Leviathans?" Zane asked.

"Yeah but I didn't talk to them much...just fought." Nya chuckled.

"It says here the Leviathan are sea serpents that can be variety of monstrous creatures, it comes from middle-eastern mythology and symbol the embodiment of chaos." Zane read from a scroll.

"They must be able to change their form on land." Cole pointed out.

"Most likely" Zane agreed "They have the power to manipulate and trick their prey and from what my files indicate all they want is their ruler. She was killed over two hundred years ago but her soul lives on. They just want to bring her home." Zane said.

Nya's heart skipped a beat.

"You okay Nya? You look scared." Jay wrapped his arms around her waist concerningly.

"Yeah I'm fine I just zoned out." Nya lied.

"So what do we do about them then?" Lloyd asked Zane.

"I suppose we wait for them to next show up and ask them I suppose."

'What a good idea Nya...or maybe you should tell them what's going on and follow my orders.'


'Leave them.'


'You don't need them.'

Stop it.

'Get rid of then they're useless.'

"I keep getting psychic messages from the Leviathans and they want me to be their ruler!" Nya rambled quickly.

'Not the best way to tell them bet you better get rid of them and join us Nya.'


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