1. Hazel.

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" mommy daddy is everything OK?" I ask while walking out my bedroom door.

I went downstairs and as I was walking out , I heard glass shattered. I heard screaming ,and I heard my mom and dad going back-and-forth.

As I approach the last step, I overheard my mom talking to my dad ,I decided to walk towards them. I hide behind a little peep hole so they wouldn't see me.

" please don't hurt us I'm sorry! I would do anything just please let her go." my mom said while sobbing with tears coming out her eyes.

" shut up I'm sick and tired of this shit, you don't do shit around the Fucking house, all you do is just sitting around and taking care of that little bastard" my dad spoke angrily.

As I was about to approach the kitchen, I looked down and seen our family photo shattered in small pieces.

I saw blood in the corner of my eyes. My eyes field, with worried and scared. I ran to the kitchen and I saw my dad on top of my mom, with her hair in his hands.

" Daddy what are you doing to mommy?" I asked while approaching them. Looking around the kitchen, I saw a knife in his hand.

" um nothing princess, just go upstairs to your room. Me and mommy are playing a game!" he said while turning around. I looked inside his eyes, and I saw nothing but anger,, and betrayal.

" mommy are you OK?" I ask while leaning over to look at her.

" y-yeah baby I'm Okay. me and d-daddy is just having a talk, just go back upstairs and listen to what your dad said." She stuttered,you can since by the way she was talking she was afraid.

" I don't want to. I want to stay down here with you." I said while looking down on the floor.

"Get yo ass up stairs! I'm tired of looking at you." my dad said aggressively, making me jump and afraid.

"N-no your being mean to mommy and that's not right." i said while looking inside his eyes.

" Well, since you want to be disobedient, watch your mama die slowly." he said, while stabbing her in her stomach three times.

Mommy, screamed in pain while looking at me. I saw tears running down her face. I looked at Daddy and I looked at mama, and I ran towards my mother.

I sat down next towards her and picked up her head.

"M-Mommy a-are you okay" i asked sadly while rocking her back and forth.

"S-Sweetheart r-remember that I love y-you. I want you to grow up and be a strong young intelligent,melanin lady. F-follow your dreams and never give up. I l-left something for you in my room u-underneath the mattress. I w-will protect you f-from all danger. Baby girl I love you so much. Now g-go grabbed the house phone and called the police." Mommy said while creasing my right cheek while tears fail out her eyes. I saw her closing her eyes softly while her hand fail to the ground.

"I l-love you too mommy and I will!!" I said while kissing mommy face and rocking her back and forth.

I placed her gently on the ground, and sat up and grabbed the house phone and dialed 9-1-1.

" hey sweetheart." a police officer said, while she approached me walking inside the house

"Can you come with me please?"she asked gently.

"Y-yes ma'am, can I kiss my mommy first?" I ask while sniffing.

"Of course baby girl." she said while nodding her head.

"I love you mommy!" i said while creasing her cheek, and leaving her lots of kisses. I looked at the police officer and held my hand out.

"Get the fuck off of me. I didn't do it!! It was that little girl in there!!" I saw my dad getting thrown on the ground.

I stopped in my tracks and looked dead in my dad's eyes. I saw him smirking and looking me. I saw nothing but evil in his eyes.

I looked away? and walked out the house and went towards the front door. The police officer was right behind me.

She asked can she pick me up and I said yes! She walked me over towards the ambulance and sat me down softly.

"Sweetheart. They have to do a check up on you okay? If any thing hurts you let them know asap okay?" The police officer asked nicely with a little pitch.

"Y-Yes ma'am. Is my daddy going to jail?" i mumbled and questioned myself ,while looking down playing with my nails. She paused for a second,and thought about how she is going to answer that question.

"Sweetheart just get a check up okay? I'll be right over there." she said while pointing towards the cop car. I nodded my head while giving her a quick smile.

The smile faded away when I heard my dad, banging his head in the cop car. I scrunched eyebrows up in confusion.

Police officers ran towards the cop car and as they look towards the car, they saw blood leaking out the window. They called the ambulance towards him, and they opened the car door they picked him up and felt his pulse. They shook their head and realized he commit suicide to escape jail time.

"D-Daddy are you okay" i semi-yelled while getting out the truck. I walked towards him laying on the ground where he's at.

I sat down right next to him, I was about to touch him but I hesitated at first.. I took a deep breath and touched his hand.

I picked up his head and placed him on my lap and touched his cheek. I creased his jaw line up-and-down as a tear fail.

" I love you, daddy always and forever" I said, while crying.

" hey sweetheart do you wanna go back inside the house?" The police officer, ask me with a smile on her face and with her hand reaching out for mines.

I nodded my head and reaching out for her hand.

"Come on sweetheart and tell me all about your lovely parents." The nice police officer stated.

I glance at my dad one last time and I saw his fingers move. He's not dead..
•let me know if y'all like this. Comment!!

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