2. Hazel

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" agent ryles report to my office right now immediately" my boss said over the intercom.

I got up out of my seat and began walking towards my boss office. As I was walking. I heard the agents say some slick , and disrespectful, and rude comments about me.

"Why she always get called? Does she know that the boss is married?" Someone mumbled.

"She's a whore" someone's spoked up.

I shrugged my shoulder's and rolled my eyes. They are always upset with me because they never get notice by him. They are so rude and ungrateful. I begin walking towards My boss office.

I made it to his office and knocked on the door, waiting for him to say, come in .

" come in" he spoke on the outside of the door. I twist the knob and let myself in.

I  took a seat and crossed my legs, waiting for him to start discussing on why he called me in his office.

" good evening agent ryles." he spoke firmly before getting into details. I watched him closely as he's clearing his throat.

" good evening boss!" i stated, calmly waiting for him to start speaking, on why he called me into his office.

" as you are wondering, on why I called you inside my office, I'm going to start off by saying. Your one of my best agents and I have something important for you to do. As you know, for the last couple of months, there's been missions." he said in a major tone in his tone.

I nodded my head on agreeing on what he is saying to me. I tilt my head to the side waiting for him to speak up again.

" I need you to fly across the country and do a mission in Paris, I need for you to stay down there for two years and spy on Famous Kylen Lux. I need for you to be the undercover dog and record all his tricks. I need for you to report back to me on. Where he stay! where he keeps all his money, and where he torture people at." He said in an demanding way.

I looked at him while my eyes wild like he is crazy. He's basically telling me I don't really don't have a choice! He does this every time, he waits until the last minute to tell me something.

"Why do you want me to go? You have other agents that's willing to go far far far out to Paris to do a mission" I asked him nicely in a concerned way.

"Because your my top best agent. Know stop asking me questions and get the fuck out my office. Any more questions" he asked me while taking a sip out of his coffee cup.

"OK boss when do I need to leave?" I asked him a little  annoyed.

" in five hours have your bags packed and ready your personal driver will be at your house and don't worry I'll transfer the money in your bank." he said while dismissing me. I got up and walked at his office.

I went to my desk, and I packed all my important information. I put everything in a bag and I turn off my lamp. I walked towards the elevator with my box in my hand I heard it ding, meaning that someone is finna get off.

I walked inside the elevator and clicked the bottom floor number. I was waiting patiently for the elevator door to close.

This is my 3rd mission he is sending me off too. But this time im going to be gone for a long time. I don't have a problem because I love doing my job.

I walked out the elevator and walked towards the parking garage. I took my keys out my purse, and I cranked up the car. I opened my back seat door, and put my box on n the back seat.

I closed the door and walked towards the driver side. It's time to go home and pack .
I heard a knock  on my apartment complex door. I walked towards the door and looked in the peep whole and saw it was Jordan. I unlocked the door and open the door allowing him to come in.

"Hey Jordan you can come in" I greeted him nicely.

"Thank you agent ryles, I was knocking on your door to tell you that you have 10 minutes to have everything in the car bosses order" he said while looking around the house.

"Okay I'm on my way thanks for telling me" I said while giving him a greetings smile. He nodded his head meaning that he understands while walking out the door.

I grabbed all 7 of my bags and made my towards the elevator. I clicked the down button and I waited patiently for the door to open.

The elevator door opened and I walked towards the door. I clicked the number 4 and made my way towards the limo.

The guards greeted me and put all my belongings in the trunk. The guard opened the door for me to get inside the limo.

I looked towards the left and I saw it was my boss, I side eyed him and I saw him form a smirk. He was finna irritate me by the way he looked at me.

"You can't speak agent ryles" he asked me slit annoyed.

"I just saw you in the office. What do we possibly need to talk about." I asked him slightly annoyed.

"Nothing. I just wanted to see what you would say" he chuckled while putting out a lighter to smoke his cigarette.

"Can you please not smoke your nasty cigarette in the car with me" i asked respectfully while rolling down the window.

"I can do what ever I want. Who is you to tell me what I should and should not be doing cagna" he said aggressively towards me. {translate- Bitch}

"You are very rude and disrespectful towards your workers. I don't know why the board won't fire you yet. And if you going to call me a bitch make sure you put bad infront of it. So I provide for you to sit there and be respectful towards me. Because I can gladly open this door and ask the driver to send me back to my complex." I said proudly while staring inside his eyes.

I felt his whole body language change. He clinched his jaw and nodded his head.

"I um apologize for my actions" he said very skeptical.

"I accept your apology." I spoke nicely. I looked outside the window and the driver was about to pull out the parking lot. This is finna be a long drive.
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