Chapter 8: It Shall Be

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Your POV
Since there are so many places he could be, you decide to call one of his friends. Surely he said something to one of them. You grab your phone out of your pocket and scroll through the contacts then press the one who would most likely know. "Hello," he answers. "Wade, do you know where Mark is?" He hesitates, "no." you can tell by his voice that he's lying. "Wade, don't you dare lie to me." "He told me not to tell anyone. Not even you. Especially not you." Why would he do that? What is wrong with him? "Please. it's an emergency." The line goes quiet for a brief moment, then he exhales deeply. "He said he wanted to be alone. Something about a park by the Hollywood sign." You instantly know exactly where that is. "Thank you so much, Wade. I owe you," you quickly hang up and rush to your car.

Only minutes pass by until you're there. Only one car in the parking lot and it's Mark's. You follow the trail up the mountain, going as fast as possible.

Finally, you reach the top. There he is, sitting on a rock with his face in his hands and elbows on his knees. As you approach him, you hear him mumbling to himself.

Mark's POV

Dark- "Just give us what we want and we'll leave you alone."
Mark- "No. I have been trying my entire life to get this girl to love me. I'm not giving her to you like she's some object. She's mine."
Dark- "We don't care about your love"
Mark- "What are my other options?"
Dark- "You give us the girl, or give us life."
Mark- "How do I do that?"
Dark- "Simple. If you think it, it shall be so."

I want this over with. If I think it. I think about the time when Dark and Wilford were real, then, darkness.

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