Background/ Beginning

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          Entire story is in the POV of Nina

Today is the 4th day of summer. I woke up this morning in a white oversize t shirt and really short shorts. The first thing i did was go downstairs and greet everybody " Good morning everyone!"I said. "Good morning honey" Susanna said to me." are you hungry we can make you some food ?" "Im okay thank you though I think that I am Just going to have a bowl of  cereal." "Can I have your milk?" Jeremiah said. " of  course!" . I got my bowl and sat down until I saw him. Conrad.
Ever since last summer I have liked him but never told anyone because I know Belly has had a crush on him ever since we were little in every photo we took at the end of the summer she would always look up at Conrad. But i hoped that this summer would be different and not all about Belly like it has been every summer. And don't get me wrong I love Belly so much like a little sister but sometimes she could be really annoying like at the bonfire in the first day of the summer. When Steven tried to take her home because she wasn't old enough for her to come with us and she got mad and screamed at him.
  After I finished eating I went back upstairs to take a shower and clean my self off. I got to the bathroom door but it was locked. I knocked on the door and Conrad was in the bathroom. It looked like he had just gotten out of the shower with his towel around his waist and only his chest showing. His hair was wet and a little piece dangled in the front of his face. " Are you going to keep staring or are you going to move sunshine?". I was completely in shock. Why did he call me that hes never done that before." Sorry I spaced out." I said . " Maybe you can see more later." Then pushed beside me and went to change.
I got out of the shower and did my skincare and makeup routine. I changed into a pink crop top and some black Nike Pros. I went back downstairs to see Belly and Jeremiah in the backyard playing in the pool. I walked outside to get a closer look at what they were doing "Hey guys!" I said. " Hey Nina!" they both said. " you should come into the pool with us" Jeremiah said. " sorry guys cant I just got out of the shower". I said. At this point I was already  at the edge of the pool until I felt someone grab my waist and picked me up and threw me into the pool. " What the fuck!" I said. I turned around to find out that Conrad was the one that threw me into the pool. I started to limp towards the edge of the pool to where Conrad was standing and laughing at me. " Conrad come help me out of the pool I think I hurt my ankle. While laughing he extended his arm to help me out and that's when I grabbed his arm tight and pulled in into the pool. " Nina I swear im going to get you back" .

summer love - Conrad fisherWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu