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Novas POV

These last few days have been pure bliss. Spock and I have been staying over each other's places every night. Doing whatever we want before bed. Right now I'm rolling myself to med bay for more physical therapy. The only reason I'm by myself today is because Spock had duties to attend to.

The starship is heading towards New Vulcan, it's gonna take us some weeks to get there but once we do I'll report to my old captain Venar with Spock and Kirk. There getting the report ready, I'm apparently still healing and can't do anything.

I smile to myself, just thinking of my Spock. It's such a bittersweet feeling, bitter because he's away, sweet because I'm gonna see him again. I'm nervous because I can tell our bond has been growing so much stronger from spending so much time together, but it's the best thing ever.

I can't call it a bad thing, and I don't want to run away like I did before. I wasn't protecting Spock doing that. I was depriving the both of us. Now I realize love is so worth it. It's worth so much. I may not understand everything about my grief or my life. But I know instead of thinking I should've died in that alleyway perhaps I was saved for a reason. Perhaps all of my friends and my parents wouldn't have been better off without me. They loved me just as much as I loved them. Every friend that's gone or passed away, I know they loved me. And I don't want to regret our love. That's exactly what I've been doing. But love is beautiful. It's strong. My grief simply shows that love is so strong it perseveres even through death. I refuse to regret that, regret loving and being there for them. Especially during there passing moments. Instead I will appreciate the time I had with them, they all made me better because of that. I will wear the mark they left behind on my heart proudly. It means I was strong enough to love knowing the risk.

That's why I will appreciate every moment I have with Spock, and I wait in anticipation for the next. I know we feel strongly for each other. I can not bring myself to regret that. And all that fear is ripped from my heart when I see him. There's just something about Spock, I can't help but to fall for him.

I could feel my face warm at the thought. I can't wait to see him later today. I eventually make it to med bay.

"Nova!! Are you excited?!" Tiva walks over to me basically hopping up and down.

"Yes! Of course I am, I finally get to walk. I'm sick of this thing!" I say referring to my wheel chair.

"Hey hey! Don't you go around running with all that excitement now." Bones walks in the room.

"Come on Bones, I went from training with my team and working around the ship to not doing anything at all. Can't blame me for being antsy." I cross my arms. I comes behind my wheelchair, now pushing it.

"What about you and Spock? No strenuous activity?" Bones teases.

"Shush! You know nothing." I roll my eyes at him. We go into the physical therapy room which I appreciate Bones doing it with me instead of having any of the other doctors do it.

I would only feel comfortable with him seeing me struggle the past few weeks. Building up the strength to walk was harder then I thought it would be. But I feel ready now!

~time skip brought to you by Bones being the nosey doctor he is~

I walk with a slight limp back and forth the physical therapy room.

"How are you feeling?" Bones asks as I wince slightly.

"Still a little pain but nothing I can't handle. Are we almost done?" It has to have been an hour. Spock was surely done by now!

"Ooo why are you in such a hurry?" Bones asks going to hand me my cane.

"Just give me that thing so I can walk." I chuckle as Bones where's a sly smile on his face pulling it away.

Star Trek// Spock x OC -> I'm ready Where stories live. Discover now