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Third POV

Nova wakes with a sigh of content. Finally in Spock's arms. Their legs tangled together, her hands on his chest, her face close to his neck. Nova rests on Spock's arm, feeling his hand on her back. Nova loves being close to him. So she scoots even closer. Nova is pleasantly surprised by Spock's arms tightening around her as he rolls her over him. She yelps as he moves her on top of him. He embraces her, a hand in her hair and on her back.

"Kepha." He mutters to Nova. She giggles at his actions.

"Ashal-veh." She responded. Nova pulls away slightly moving her hands towards his face. She takes the time to trace his features. His jawline, nose, eyebrows, lips... Spock closes his eyes slowly, Nova could feel him enjoying her gentle touch. In response he rubs her back.

"Nova. You should move in with me, not fully but anything you need to spend nights you should bring. Considering I have the necessary space as well as the bigger bed." Spock says still with his eyes closed. Nova smiles as she continues to trace his face.

"And what if I miss my place?" Nova teases.

"Then I will pack the necessary things to stay over your place overnight, considering your happiness is important to me." Spock opens his eyes and brushes a hair behind Novas pointy slanted ears.

"A-are you sure I won't disturb you and your schedule, considering I get up early? I'd hate to ruin your mornings or your sleep.." Nova looks away slightly. She knows from experience how particular Vulcans can be. Taking specific routes, waking up at specific times, all for the sake of efficiency. Venar was like that, and when someone disturbed his routine, she could feel how upset he would get.

"I perfectly understand you get up earlier than I do, but this wouldn't disturb me. You not being here would disturb me. I missed you so much Nova, your touch, your conversation, that smile..." Spock gets up, Nova now straddling his lap. Spock holds her face with both of his hands. That spark was there again.

"I assure you. Nova you would only make my mornings better. Please stay with me my bond." Spock looks into Novas eyes deeply. Almost desperately. He was trying his best to express himself, but that's not all he wanted to say. He wanted to talk passionately just like how Nova did when they had lunch with everyone. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she is. About how she brought the color back to his life. About how he felt the same.

Nova however could feel through his touch, his hesitation was still there but it was faint; as if it was fading away.

He's really trying, it's time for me to not be hesitant too. Nova thinks to herself.

She could feel her face grow warm as she pulls up her pajama sleeves, exposing her forearms to him. Spock remembers shore leave, her telling him what this means. Surrendering to love she put it.

Nova takes one of his wrists, guiding his hand to her forearm; placing it there gently.

"Of course ne bond. I trust you." Nova smiles warmly at Spock. The contact was electric. Them both feeling how the gesture made the other feel. Spock was surprised and almost couldn't express how much he appreciated her vulnerability. Spock pulls away, pulling up his pajama sleeves as well. He guides her hand to his forearm. Novas smile grew bigger as she caresses his forearm. Again the contact being almost overwhelming for them both. To feel each others closeness and the growing trust for the other, it meant everything. With his other arm Spock pulls Nova even closer to him. Her breath hitched as she watches Spock's eyes darken looking at her. Spock opens his mouth to say something but then his communicater rings. He sighs as he reaches for it on his night stand. Nova laughs at his frustration.

"Commander Spock." Spock mutters into the communicater.

"This is your lovely Captain speaking, Spock a little bit of a heads up. You should redo some of your meeting reports, it's gibberish and I can't send them through to star fleet database. Have you been having trouble with Nova or something? These notes are a mess!" Kirk goes on.

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