13: A Conversation With A Dragon

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"Kolos lost hi pah daar eruvos?" Rhaegar heard his sister-wife speak, a frown marring his forehead as it was not High Valyrian that she spoke, but a strange language that sounded less like a song and more like a harsh wind to him.

He did not understand her, yet he somehow knew deep down that he should have been able to.

It had been a shock to witness, his sister's fall and rescue by a beast out of legend. A beast that his family's history were soaked in.

A dragon. A large dragon with blood red scales and horns and spikes all over its large body.

At first he had thought that surely he had gone mad, until his friends spoke the word "dragon". Some in awe and some....in fear.

"Taazokaan, Dovahkiin, erei hin sil faan wah zey."

It had been another shock to him, that the dragon could speak, its voice deep and rumbling like a thunderstorm. Targaryen history did not speak of this; that a dragon are capable of speech. Yet, here he was, listening to its voice and listening to his sister-wife speak back to it like it was a friend. Which was ridiculous, of course. Caelyra didn't have a dragon friend before.

A pang of jealousy suddenly stirred from deep within him. A jealousy brought on by the fact that it is his sister-wife and not him that now seem to possess a dragon.

Oh, he wanted the beast for himself. He wanted to claim it as his own. He wanted to become the first dragonrider since the last of the dragons had died out many, many years ago.

But, as it is, he could not. The dragon seemed to have chosen his wife of all people to be its rider.

"Dii sil faan? Vir?"

And it spoke to her and she understood it. It made him even more envious.

He shook his head, trying to school his face into a neutral mask as he stepped to his wife's side.

"Caelyra," he said, hoping that he sounded as neutral as his expression should be.

She turned her head to him, her lilac eyes meeting his indigo ones. "Rhaegar, come meet Odahviing."

It pained him that she sounded so excited while he felt nothing but a jealous anger eating away at him.

She turned to the dragon and said something in that language and he felt like screaming at her for it.
"Odahviing, daar los dii zeymah ko daar laas."

"Fah vahzah?"

"Geh, Odahviing."

"Caelyra." He felt sort of satisfied when she flinched, too wrapped up in conversing with the dragon.

He grabbed onto her arm, pulling her closer to his side, and then faced the dragon, who now rested part of its body on the rocks that would've ended his wife's life had the dragon not saved her.

"I am Rhaegar, Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Not honor, no. Because he did not know the dragon. So, he cannot say that it is an honor to meet it.

"He is thuri?" the question was directed at his sister-wife, something he didn't like, something that made the anger in him grow.

"Geh. Or rather, sort of. Our father is thuri of this realm. Rhaegar is his second-in-command, I suppose." She gave him a questioning look and Rhaegar could do nothing but shrug.

He didn't know. Wasn't the Lord Hand second-in-command rather than him?

"Odahviing...." he trailed off, tasting the foreign name on his tongue. "I have never heard of a dragon named as such. Did you name it, Caelyra?"

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