The First Attempt

74 3 0

Nov. 15, 1994

Author's P.O.V.

"I'm sure they'll find her, sir," Wilt tries to calm down his livid boss.

The Artist shouted at his security head, "Tell me whether they've found Jalisa instead of telling me to calm down!".

The Artist is livid because Jalisa left Paisley Park.When he returned from the studio last night, Jalisa wasn't in their bedroom.Despite looking everywhere, he didn't find her in the complex. He called Wilt and urged him to send the rest of security to search for her. So yet, there has been no indication on the whereabouts of the young woman.

"She can't be out of state since we still have her belongings." So she must be hiding somewhere." Wilt assumes.

"If that were the case they've would've found her by now." The Artist replied as he paced tirelessly.

Meanwhile, Jalisa is staying at a motel outside of the twin cities. Contemplating her next move, she knew going back to her apartment would be a bad idea because that'll be the first place The Artist would find her. Jalisa still plans on leaving Minnesota, but she needs some help. When she was able to contact Tabitha, she urged her friend to meet her at the motel where she is staying. Tabitha began questioning Jalisa, but Jalisa promised her that she would explain everything when her friend arrives.

Jalisa's P.O.V.

As I waited in the room, I kept peering through the curtains to check if T had arrived. I couldn't risk him discovering me here, so I stayed put. When I heard someone knock on my door, I looked to see who it was. When I saw T through the peep hole, I opened the door right away.

"Was anyone following you? "Did you get my clothes?" I sought out, pulling her into my room.

"No and yeah I got them like you asked." T responded to my questions. "Lisa, what's going on?"

I told Tabitha how The Artist kept me prisoner at his complex for the last few months due to his insane obsession with me.

"That's why I wanted to leave so badly because he's unhinged." I went on telling T, putting on my long sleeve and sweats after a quick shower.

"God, girl. If I hadn't known I would've answered his call."

"He called you?"

"He called me an hour ago, looking for you."

"Well, he's not going to."

After checking out of the motel, I went out to the car, where Tabitha was waiting. When I saw Wilt standing with her, I came to a complete halt.

"I'm sorry, Lisa." Tabitha apologized with remorse.

Just as I was about to run, I was seized by one of The Artist's other security guards and pushed into the SUV. I tried to fight my way out, but my efforts were cut short when I was given another tranquilizer injection. When I became conscious I was back at Paisley Park.

"Welcome back, darling," I heard The Artist, laying next to me in bed. "I missed you."

From disgust and anger, I pushed him off of me and scurried off of the bed.

"Did you really think you can just up and leave your fiance, baby?"

"Your not my fiance, you psycho!"

"I wouldn't say that since I put a ring on that pretty finger of yours."

I couldn't believe it when I looked down at my hand and saw that this madman had actually put a ring on my finger.

I couldn't believe it when I looked down at my hand and saw that this madman had actually put a ring on my finger

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"I'll be counting the days 'til your officially my bride." He said this before kissing my cheek.

Author's P.O.V.

The Artist was about to leave when Jalisa took hold of one of her rope restraints and started to strangle him. He tries to pull the rope away from his neck while gasping for air, but she climbs on his back to tighten her grip. He started slamming them into the wall to get the young woman off of him. He finally got her to the ground on the third try. Climbing on top of her, The Artist was going to strike her, when he hesitated.

"Go on." Jalisa dared him. "Go on and do it!"

Realizing what he was doing, he lowered his fist, only for Jalisa to hit him in the groin. She pushed him off and scrambled to her feet after grabbing his gun. When The Artist jumps up and rushes the young woman, she fires the gun at him but misses. He grabbed the gun from her hand when he had pinned her against the wall.

"You really want to kill me?" The Artist questioned, clutching her throat from behind. "You want to kill me after all that I have done for you?!"

Wilt and security then burst through the door upon hearing a shot go off.

"Sir, everything okay?" Wilt asked, concerned.

The Artist left the room without responding and strode past his guards.

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