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I am generally what people would call an extrovert. Being a Leo myself, I do tend to have some stubborn traits in me, but it's just part of my independent self which I do display quite often. I like being able to do things myself and don't usually let people help me often. Things get done best when you do them yourself. Being in control of the things around me help give me a sane mind.

I am also quite an outgoing, personable person. I like to make friends and have a good laugh. This includes having a very sarcastic and dry sense of humor. Just having fun is one of my top goals in life, and being able to just be goofy and loud comfortably with friends is what I strive for.

 Just having fun is one of my top goals in life, and being able to just be goofy and loud comfortably with friends is what I strive for

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As anyone who is around me for long knows, I am very confident in myself. Not to the point of arrogance, although once in a while an ego check can be good for me. But I like to show off myself and the body that I work for. I know I look good, and I am proud to flaunt it.

When I love, I love hard. I am fiercely loyal to my friends and willing to work out any differences before dropping them. I'd much rather work for a good relationship then just move on to find one. Checking up on people and caring for them is one of my weekly routines. I love being able to help people and give them things when they need it, or even when they don't. I can be very generous with my money and time.

 I can be very generous with my money and time

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I like to think of myself as a strong person. I have a lot of endurance to go through hard things and too much pride to give up. I will push through the difficult times because I know I will grow and become a better person through them. I am not afraid to try new things and failure is not an answer. It's just a step in the right direction. When I want to make something happen, I will do it no matter what's standing in my way. I am very headstrong and determined when I set my mind to something.

Everything that I do, I do with passion. Everything I love, I love fully. I am an all or nothing kind of person. If I'm going to do something, I put my whole being into it.

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