Forty-One: Extras and Experts

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A/N: Hellooooo again! I'm loving reading your comments so please comment as much as you like!!!

Trace wasted no time in rushing over to Thomas, grasping at one of his hands and pulling him out from under the Griever. This couldn't be happening.

"No. No, no, no, no. No. Thomas, no." She held his face in both of her hands, willing him to wake up. "Thomas, please. Thomas, don't do this, please."

He looked dead. He looked very dead. He couldn't be dead. Not Thomas.

"Come on!" she yelled, climbing to her feet and grabbing him under the arms, pulling him with her. "Thomas, you gotta wake up now!"

She was aware of someone coming up behind her, arms reaching down around Thomas' waist, making it easier to pull him along. They adjusted positions so that she and Newt stood side by side, each dragging Thomas along under one arm. Minho rushed around to grab his legs.

"Keep the doors open!" Minho ordered, as they approached the double doors leading out of the room. Brenda and Teresa were holding them open, wide-eyed, as the others passed through.

They lowered Thomas to the floor and Flint was by his side almost immediately, checking for breathing, a pulse, anything.

"Give me that scarf!" he yelled, pointing towards an extra who was not actually a scarf, but did have one around her neck.

A wave of relief washed over Trace as Flint applied pressure to a wound she hadn't seen in Thomas' stomach. He was breathing, for now.

"He's alive, but he won't be if we stay here much longer." Flint announced. "We need to move!"

"I'll lead the way," Brenda stated, though her eyes remained on Thomas. She took a deep breath before turning to the group. "Follow me. And quickly."

And because Trace would follow Brenda anywhere, she did. They all did.

Flint scooped Thomas up into his arms and Gally stepped forward to help. Between them, they carried Thomas through the door and down the hallway after Brenda. Trace stayed behind to make sure everyone left safely. The only one left in the room besides her was Teresa, who stood in shock with tear-filled eyes.

And because she really needed Teresa to move, and because another explosion made the ground shake in a scary way and because everyone in this facility seemed okay with telling lies, Trace lied.

"He'll be okay," she said, placing a hand on Teresa's shoulder. "He'll make it."

The truth was, Trace had no idea what would happen to Thomas now. This wasn't something she'd been prepared for at all. For all Trace knew, Thomas getting hurt now could mean they all died later on. It could change a lot of what happened from here.

Teresa looked to Trace. "Thank you," she smiled.

For a second, Trace felt so guilty that she almost said "Haha, just kidding. I have no idea," but she figured it was better to keep Teresa motivated than to have her hanging around at the back of the group thinking Thomas was going to die.

A loud boom echoed through the facility and dust fell from the ceiling, giving Trace a look that she called dandruff-chic. It wasn't really a look that suited a person with minimal hair, so Trace grabbed Teresa by the hand. "Come on."

And the two of them ran, quickly catching up with the group and making their way to the front. Flint and Gally were now lagging at the back of the group and most of the others stayed close by. Brenda and Harriet seemed to have taken on the role as leaders for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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