Author's notes

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Help I forgot this story existed-😭, to anyone who actually was waiting for this to update I'm sorry- I'll pick it up soon and I might change some things about the story but I'm thinking of a pattern I want them to react

-the prologue
-how Cale obtained his ancient powers
-some of the wars they fought
-where Alberu revealed the curse to Cale
-the wind island test
-how Cale met the dragons
-him scamming Clopeh as a priest
-Cale choking Adin
-Cale disguising as Naru
-the sealed god's test
-some of the side stories
-tcf part 2

If you guys have anymore suggestions on what more I should add please comment them, I can't think of anything else I should put right now.

Tboah and tocf reacting to our commander adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now