Chapter 1

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"Darkness. That's the first thing I remember"

A dark silhouette floats up to the surface of the frozen lake.

"It was dark and it was cold and I was scared"

The figure opens his eyes, revealing bright, icy blue orbs.

"And then, I saw the moon"

The ice of the lake slowly begins to crack.

"It was so big and it was so bright"

The figure broke through the ice, still floating as he rises up to the sky.

"It seems to chase the darkness away, and when it did, I wasn't scared anymore"

The boy gently landed on the cold, frozen lake as the cracks sealed back together.

"But why I was there and what was I meant to do, that I've never known"

The young male examined his hands, his clothing attire and then his surroundings, seeing that he's in a forest.

"And a part of me wonders if I will"

The boy looked at the moon and stared at it while walking on the icy lake until his foot hit a wooden staff that was laying on the ground. He tapped it with his foot again and thin ice frosted over it. He picked it up and it glowed for a moment then created a frost along the ground.

He tapped the staff to a tree and frost suddenly appeared, making the boy smile wide. He did it to another tree on the opposite side and the same thing happened.

His smile grows bigger as he started running around the iced lake, dragging the staff until he was swiftly lifted to the air by the wind, spiraling around everywhere then stopping.

He was high in the sky while he was still floating. He looks at all the frost he made on the ice covered lake from above, he smiles for a second but then quickly fades when he starts falling. He falls into a tree, getting hit by different branches until he roughly landed on a large, thick branch.

As he sits up on the large branch, he spots a small village nearby. He carefully levitates down to the village below with some help from the wind. He dusted himself off, laughing before walking around and greeting everyone.

"Hello. Hello. Good evening, ma'am. Ma'am?" He greeted people as he walked by but for some reason, no one talked or replied to him.

Then a young boy, who was chasing a dog was running to the white haired man's direction "Oh uh, excuse me? do you mind telling me where I am?" however, instead of the young child stopping, the boy ran straight through him. As if he wasn't there or as if...

he wasn't real.

He gasped in shock and started breathing heavily, taking a few steps back as more people walked right through him "Hello?!" He called but still no one answered.

He keeps walking backwards, feeling panicked and confused about what had just happened until his back bumps into someone else's. He turns around and sees a girl with (h/l), (curly/straight/messy), (h/c) hair, (s/c) skin that glowed from the moonlight and (bright/dark) (e/c) eyes that were widened with shock.

Both of them stare at each other with wide pupils "can you see me?" They said in unison "yes" they replied in unison again.

"How is this possible?" The (h/c) girl mumbled, confused.

"I have no idea" the blue-eyed responded, also confused.

Both the girl and boy glanced at each other then looked away, not knowing what to say until the girl cleared her throat, breaking the silence.

"So...what's your name?" She asked, looking at the white haired boy as she rubs her elbow.

The boy thought for a moment. What was his name? He looked up at the moon then back to the girl.

"I'm Jack, Jack Frost" he replied with a smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jack Frost. My name's Y/N but everyone knows me as Cupid" she introduced, returning the smile.

"Cupid?" Jack asked.

A pair of angel-like wings appear from behind Y/N's back as Jack took a step back, looking at them in surprise and astonishment.

A pair of angel-like wings appear from behind Y/N's back as Jack took a step back, looking at them in surprise and astonishment

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Y/N then extended her hand out to Jack "Let's get out of here, shall we?" She asked, smiling.

Jack looked at it for a second, smiled and took it without any hesitation. They then ran out of the village and into the forest, laughing.

"My name is Jack Frost, how do I know that? The moon told me so. But that was all he ever told me and that was a long, long time ago."

Frozen Love (Jack Frost x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now