Chapter 3

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Jack taps his staff to a sign as frost spreads on the street then over to a drinking fountain. Where the boy was about to drink but the water froze with the boy's tongue stuck to it and his friends laughed at him.

The frost then goes to a building, at a window that showed a blonde boy, who was feeding his goldfish until water in the fish bowl started to freeze. The boy exclaimed in Russian as Jack's frost continued to inconvenience people in the building and pigeons flying away, laughing.

Jack then flies up on top of the St. Basil's Cathedral building. "Ah, now that...that was fun. Hey wind! Take me home!" Jack yells to the wind as he flies up into the air, whooping and shouting in glee.


Jack is now flying in a small town. "SNOW DAY!" He shouted, before diving down to the streets as he leaps on top of cars, twisting and turning all around, creating frost and snow that covered the town.

He flew to a frozen lake then skated across it. He flew past a boy as the wind carried the book away from the boy's hands, making him cry out for it.

The book lands on the ground, Jack crouching down"Oh, that looks interesting. Good book?" He says, watching Jamie grab the book.

Jamie's friends, Claude and Caleb ran past him as he picked his book up, shouting and whooping in exhilaration.


"Yeah, Snow day!"

"You're welcome." Jack said, although he knew they couldn't hear him.

"Hey guys, wait up!" Jamie calls out to his friends, grinning and rushing after them. "Are you guys coming to the egg hunt Sunday?" 

Jack smiles as he flies after the three kids, listening to their conversation.

"Yeah! Free candy!" Caleb replies with an obvious exciting tone.

"I hope we can find the eggs with all this snow!" Claude cheers, play fighting with his twin, laughing.

"It says here that they found Bigfoot hair samples!" Jamie gasps with wide eyes as he reads his book, going to the front yard of his house through a loose part of the fence, opening it. "And DNA in Michigan! That's like super close!"

"Here we go again," Caleb snorts, shaking his head as Jamie puts the book away and grabbing his sleigh.

"You saw that video too, Claude, he's out there." Jamie replies, pausing and looking at the two with wide pupils.

"That's what you said about aliens and the Easter Bunny," Claude and Caleb retorted as they continue to play wrestle each other.

Jack was walking along the fence while balancing his staff on his shoulders, still listening to them. "The Easter Bunny is real," Jamie replies, firmly to the twins.

"Oh, he's real all right," Jack snorts as he kept walking on the fence, not noticing his friend behind him. "Real annoying, real grumpy, and really full of himself."

"Oh please, now you're just describing yourself," (Y/N) scoffed with a laugh, making the white haired boy yelp in surprise and nearly falling off the fence.

The kids pause at the rattling fence itself but shrugs as they continue their talk.

"Or at least, admit that you're jealous of him." The (H/C) haired girl continued with a smirk and her arms crossed, sitting on the fence near Jack.

Frozen Love (Jack Frost x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now