We are not friends

118 1 5

I walk down the hallway with my earbuds in listening to Weezer. 

I love Weezer! Whenever I can listen to Weezer, I am listening to Weezer. 

My last final of the week is honors chemistry. God I hate that class, the only reason I'm passing is because 1. I'm super high school level genius for real!!(and delusional) 2. The teacher is in love with me. I mean can you blame her! I'm a lady magnet! Every time I walk down the halls, ladies are staring at me, especially the cute emo girl Gwen, she is so into me.


Crap, that's the bell. I'm gonna be so late. I'm studying, walking, and listening to music, I'm sure I totally don't look like a nerd... I hate that word, "nerd" it's so icky.

"Hii Cody!" Ms. Brown says waving at me. "Please, come in, I have your test" 

I grab my test and take a seat. "Thank you Ms. Brown!" I say with a smile. All the other kids are side eyeing me. One of the other kid also comes into class late.

"You're late Noah" Ms. Brown says staring him down.

"Okay?" He says nonchalant. I wish I was brave enough to talk to a teacher like that. All of his friends snicker, he somehow has all of the ladies with him always. I'm so jealous.

"Okay, no talking, no getting up, if you have a question I will come to you, ready? Begin!" We all flip to the first page.





My mind goes blank. What's a noble gas? I see Noah and all of his girlfriends whispering. How does the teacher not see this clear cheating? Should I tell her? It's the right thing to do... But the ladies will think I'm lame! But it's the right thing to do...

Bridgette pulls out her phone. 

"Yes Cody?"

"Uhh..." They all give me the death stare. I see Noah mouth the words "dont you fucking dare"

"Well... what is it Cody?" 

"Nevermind" I put my hand down, everyone lets out a sigh of relief. Noah is still side eyeing me. What the flip?


"Alright tests down everyone!" 

I hear groans from everyone in class, the only one smiling is Harold. Stupid nerd. I've always wanted someone to play Call of Duty with, but I would rather play alone than play with Harold. He's smelly.


Finally, that's my only final today. So I'm just gonna go home and-

I feel a tap on my shoulder. 

It's a woman!

"Hey Cody, thanks for not ratting us out. You want to come to my house after school with some friends?" Her friends chuckle behind her. I know Heather. She has to be messing with me, I'm not that stupid.

"I actually have plans, thanks though" This is obviously a lie.

"Aww such a shame... I was going to invite Gwen... but it's okay!" 

Her entourage and her start to sashay away. What am I doing...

"Wait!" This is a mistake.

"Yes?" She grins. This is a terrible idea.

"What time?" 

"My place at 8" 

"See you there!" I wave them bye. This is an awesome idea.

Opened my eyes (Noah x Cody) NocoWhere stories live. Discover now