Hot cocoa

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I'm laying in bed scrolling on instagram, looking at how awesome everyone else's winter break seem. Bridgette and Geoff went to Australia together, Courtney went to Paris, even Eva posted herself in Texas. My mom never takes us anywhere, she's scared of the outside world. She wonders why I ended up with no friends when she won't let me go out.

"Hey Cody?" speak of the devil

"Yes mom?"

"I'm going to meet with Dan, we have food in the fridge, love you!"

Dan is her fiance, they've been together for 5 years now. I think Dan's alright.


I get a notification from instagram, a new DM from Noah. I thought he didn't want anything to do with me?

noahthecynic: so yk how u owe me that favor?

Oh I remember

cody-the-cool-lad: Yes I remember

noahthecynic: well I need you to do me a favor

cody-the-cool-lad: Whats the favor?

noahthecynic: ur good with tech right?

cody-the-cool-lad: Yep!

noahthecynic: my  computer broke

Is that seriously it?

cody-the-cool-lad: Oh! Okay!

noahthecynic: but youll do it for free right?

cody-the-cool-lad: I mean I owe you

noahthecynic: my address is ********** 

cody-the-cool-lad: Okay, I will be there soon

 Seriously? He wants me to fix his computer?  I don't know what he's going to try to pull, I know he hates me so I'll just be on high alert.

At Noah's house

I knock on the door, this better be quick, I need to get home before my mom.

A little girl opens the door and stares at me blankly.

"Hello, is Noah here?"


"He's not?" Why isn't he here??


"Okay, thanks" I start to walk back to my house, what a waste of time.

"Do you want hot cocoa?"  

"No I should really get going-"

"Pleeeease" She's just so cute, how can I say no?

"Okay, I'm Cody by the way"

"I'm Nora!" 

I walk into their house, it's pretty normal, they have a kitchen to the right, living room to the left. It does seem a little old but I'm no house critic. It's cozy.

"Who was that Nora?" A girl by the stove asks, I think she's a senior because I've seen her around.

"This is Cody!"

The older girl turns around, she's confused for a second but welcomes me. Noah has such a nice family!

"Oh- well hi Cody! I'm Naomi! Want some hot cocoa?" Oh I see, N names.

"Uhhh yeah that sounds cool! Thanks!" Honestly hot cocoa sounds awesome, it's freezing outside. Naomi pours me a mug, tops it with some marshmallows and the three of us hover around the kitchen.

Opened my eyes (Noah x Cody) NocoWhere stories live. Discover now