I'm a yapper

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"Thank you so much for lunch, this has been so much fun. Bye!" I wave Noah's family goodbye, I'm sad to leave them but it was time to go.

"Wait, Cody." Noah comes up to me. "It's a long way back, do you want me to drive you home?" 

"Are you sure?" I don't want him to miss time with his family.

"Oh yeah for sure, c'mon" We walk out the door. 

"Thanks for taking me, you really didn't have to"

"Oh yes I did." 

I look around for Heather, that nosy bitch.

His car is small but cozy. Kind of like his house. I sit in the passenger seat, very comfortable seats.

"So what's your address?"

"I'll pull it up on maps." I put in my address and we drive off. He turns on some music, I recognize it immediately.

"You like Radiohead?" I sound like a kid going to disneyland.

"They're fine I guess" He smirks.

"I love them! What's your favorite song? Don't say creep. I mean it's fine, I just feel like they have so many more bangers! I'm a big fan of Planet Telex, sure Radiohead is no Weezer but that doesn't mean they don't have good music" 

"I like The Tourist. Did you just say Weezer? That checks out."

"What does that mean."

"It just confirms my suspicions."

"What suspicions?"

"That you're a nerd." He smiles.

"Okay, I am not a 'nerd'" I put air quotes around nerd. 

"Weezer, video games, comic books, need I say more?" He keeps his eyes forward but I know the exact look he would be giving me right now.

"Fine, whatever." I cross my arms and sit there listening to radiohead some more.

"You know all that stuff I said back there Cody?" 

"The stuff about me being a nerd? Do you take it back?"

He sighs. "No, the stuff about me being in love or whatever" Did he just say or whatever?

"Uhh yeah? What about it." Should I tell him I love him too?

"Cody, we barely know each other" That's not true! We've known each other since preschool. "I think it's best if we don't tell anyone. Not even your mom. So we can figure it out ourselves." I thought that was going in a completely different direction thank goodness.

"Oh yeah for sure! Don't need to get made fun of more than I already am" I laugh at this depressing joke. It's not even a joke. It's just depressing.

You have arrived at your destination

Oh, that was fast.

"Wow, your house is big" We get out of the car.

"Oh, thanks" We awkwardly stand there. Although it's mainly just me awkwardly standing there. 

I give Noah a peck on the cheek, even in the freezing cold his face is still warm.

"Text me?" I say to him.

"I- I'll get to it" He has a cheeky smile on his face, for once he's the one without words. But he turns around and gets back into his car.

What a day, and it's only 2:00. 

I take a good look at Ronald. He looks happy. He is happy. He's truly happy on christmas for the first time since he was a little kid. 

I walk inside and take off my coat, I can't stop smiling! All I can think about is Noah. Ahh why didn't I invite him over?! Dang it.

"Cody!" My Mom yells from the kitchen. "I told you to do the dishes! I do everything in this house for you and you can't even do the dishes! Youre grounded!" She walks in from the kitchen and takes my phone. My smile drops.

"Sorry Mom" This is so unfair, but unfortunately I'm used to it. Can't even catch a break on christmas. 

I do the dishes, then I go do the laundry, then I clean my bathroom, then I vacuum. Whoop whoop.


I go to my room, my Mom doesn't bother taking my PC so I check my messages on there. I got a text from an unknown number at 2:01 that says "hi"

It's probably Noah.

(This is texting)


this is cody right?


delivered for an hour and a half...

You cant text and drive

ill risk it to talk to you lol


sorry lol

No it's fine haha

im not good at texting, do you want to hangout tomorrow?

Yeah that sounds great! I'm grounded but we can probably hangout at my house

the mansion?

Its not a mansion

mhmmmm, and how are you grounded, youre literally a jelly bean

It's nothing really. Want to come over at noon?

sounds good


Now I have to clean my room.

I can't wait to show him my action figures! Oh and my comics I made! Maybe he'll want to play some of my games. We could totally play rocket league together.

I sound like a 6 year old having a play date.

I'm just so excited!

Why am I so excited? 

DJ's hung out here tons of times.

I never get this excited when DJ comes over.

Noah and I are just good acquaintances, he said himself that we're not friends.

But do good acquaintances kiss? 

It was only twice, it doesn't mean anything.

At least not the first one.

Kissing a guy doesn't make someone gay.

I'm still straight.

Just a regular straight guy that kissed a guy once.

Like that Katy Perry song!

I need to go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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