Prologue Part 2

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Soo Jin:
"Checkmate." Soo Jin smirked, after moving her chess piece.
Her brother, Suho, scanned the board to see if there was any way out of this, but Soo Jin had planned her win well.
"You can't be serious," He groaned. "Thats the fifth time in a row!"
"You're really lucky chess isn't a class. You would fail." Soo Jin laughed.
Suho rolled his eyes.
"Haha, hilarious." He deadpanned. "You should be a comedian. Anyways, we've got to go to dinner. Let's pick up Sua on the way, how bout it? She probably forgot, daydreaming in her head all day," He sighed.
Soo Jin nodded, and they left.
Once they reached a door, with the name Sua Jeinalti engraved on it, Suho knocked gently, and entered.
Sua was scrambling to get a math book.
"I'm studying, I promise- Oh, it's you." She smiled with relief.
"We have to go eat," Suho reminded her.
"Right." Sua nodded. "I didn't forget. I didn't!" She insisted at Soo Jins snort.
"Sure. Any new, interesting daydreams to tell us about?"
Sua beamed. "Yes! I daydreamed about some lillies, and a little girl found them! She collected them for her father, and since they were poor, it meant a lot that his daughter had tried to get him something!"
"Nice," Suho said, only half-focused. Soo Jin knew something was up, since he always paid attention to Sua's stories, but she didn't dare ask as they were approaching the dinner room.
"Your majesties," A servant bowed, opening the grand door. Immediately, the girls dropped into a curtsy, while Suho lowered his head in respect for their father.
"Approach," King Yunju ordered. "All of you."
"Yes, father?" Sua asked meekly, not looking at him.
"Sit. Begin your meal," He commanded. The three of his children sat side by side, and started to eat their food.
"What do you know of the Hernandez family?" King Yunju suddenly asked.
Soo Jin choked on her food, starting to cough. Suho quickly slapped her back, causing the piece of food to fly out.
"I'm sorry, father," Soo Jin gasped, hand to her throat.
The king raised his eyebrow. "Apology accepted. You are quite lucky that was only in front of us, otherwise I would not have tolerated it. Do you understand?"
Soo Jin nodded, fear visible in her eyes.
"Very well then," Their father said.
"Father?" Suho asked tentatively.
"Yes, my boy?" King Yunju answered tensely.
"Why do you want to know about the Hernandez family?"
The king sighed, and pulled a letter from his pocket.
"Read it. Out loud."
Suho took the paper carefully, eyeing his father with suspicion and wariness.
"Dear King Yunju and all the Royal Jeinalti Family,"
He began.
"We are terribly regretful of the years of rivalry that separated us, and we sih to make up for this loss with friendship that will last us centuries! May you please join us in our castle on the 7th of April, for three months? If you will come, please inform us by mail.
Looking forward to perhaps sparking a new alliance with your family,
King Max and the Hernandez Royal Family
P.S. The Fementieva Royal Family may also attend," After reading it, he slowly met his father's eye.
Soo Jin was livid, but bit her tongue.
"But surely not," He whispered.
King Yunju scowled. "You don't get to decide that. And we are going. That is final. Now if you're all done eating, leave."
Soo Jin finished her plate as fast as she could and glided away, stroking to her room as soon as she was put of her father's sight.
"They're lying thieves, the Hernandez family. People who ruin everything." She sniffed. "And so is the Fementieva family. Did Mom agree to this?" Soo Jin laughed darkly. "But of course, even if not, I still have to go. I still have to see that one again."

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