Part 1

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"We are nearing the palace gates of the Hernandez Family Kingdom." King Benedict announced.
Claire beamed with ecstasy, while her siblings said nothing and glowered at their father. Their mother was away on another business trip of hers, so no anger was directed at her, unless it was from Georgia who had asked her to tell Benedict that they shouldn't go to the Hernandez Family kingdom.
"Now, I know you are all against this," Claire's father sighed.
"No, really Sherlock?" George muttered.
"I'm not!" Claire offered, and all her siblings glared at her. She shrank back, trying to make herself smaller in their fancy vehicle.
"However, you all must behave at your best," King Benedict said. "Please." His tired eyes rose a bit of guilt in the hearts of his children, and they all agreed.When they arrived, trumpets sounded, welcoming them.
The Hernandez family had their hands folded, waiting patiently.
Claire bounded out of the limousine after her parents, her siblings following sulkily. She curtsied excitedly.
"Greetings, King Max, Queen Maria," Her father bowed, followed by Claire's brothers. Then, Claire and Georgia curtsied elegantly.
Claire smiled widely, enthusiasm radiating off her, while tension radiated from the children of he Hernandez family. Her brothers could sense it, and they stepped in front of her protectively, while Georgia took her hand. Being the youngest meant having bodyguards.
Bodyguards being your siblings.
"Enchanted," King Max responded, smiling warmly. He and his wife bowed and curtsied appropriately.
"Your daughter seems very content about this," King Max remarked.
Claire knew he was talking about her.
"Yes, she is happy about this new chance for our kingdoms," Her father agreed.
Queen Maria smiled. "It must be nice that she is very ecstatic about this arrangement. Is this Claire, the youngest?"
Claire nodded. "Yes, your majesty," She whispered, bowing her head.
"It is a pleasure to meet you. Might I introduce you to my second youngest? She is your age, in fact. Elaine?" Queen Maria introduced her daughter. One of her sons narrowed his eyes, looking cautious, while the daughters didn't react.
A beautiful girl came forward, gliding, just like a perfect princess.
"Your highness," Claire murmured keeping her head bowed, as her siblings edged away from her so Elaine could see her clearly, but not wandering any farther than a few inches.
Elaine curtsied elegantly.
"The Jeinalti family should arrive tomorrow morning," King Max announced. "Shall we utilize dinner to get acquainted?"
King Benedict nodded, and the adults chattered their way to the dining room, their children remaining silent.
The dining hall was spectacular, with a grand table, and comfortable chairs, and silver plates. Extravagant paintings brought the room some character.
The adults of both families sat at the very beginning of the table, while the children sat on the sides.
Queen Maria introduced her children.
"My eldest, Logan," She said, gesturing to him. Logan's face was expressionless, reacting in no way to his name being said. "My second eldest, Victoria, and of course, you already know Elaine. And, this is my youngest, Alexander."
Claire and her siblings said nothing, as they waited for their father to name who they were to the opposite family.
They sat still as their father did exactly so, and when he was done, the parents of the Hernandez children smiled, and brought on the food.
Servants held large platters, filled with fruit, poultry, meat and other delicacies that Claire found exotic, flavourful and , with no doubt, tasty.
"Well, why don't we get to know one another?" King Max said with a friendly tone, the two other adults agreeing with him.
"Oh, I don't think that will be necessary-" Joshua started, before Benedict hushed him.
"Perhaps we should wait for the Jeinalti family," George tried. His words seemed to have an effect.
"What a bright son you have, King Benedict," Queen Maria said delightfully. "Yes, we should wait for the Jeinalti family, shouldn't we? In the meantime, let us enjoy our meal."
Once they were all finished, the boys were sent off to become companions, an attempt that their sisters were quite convinced would fail, while the girls were sent to become friends.
An attempt of which they were all sure, would also fail.
Victoria, Georgia, Elaine, and Claire were sat together in the cozy library, with a tray of tea and snacks available to them.
"You are both extraordinarily fabulous," Claire said to Victoria and Elaine, trying to ease the tension.
"Thank you, Claire," Victoria smiled slightly, looking flattered, while Elaine's features relaxed into, not quite a smile, but a.. softer expression.
"Let us be honest," Georgia declared. "You don't want us here, do you? In all truthfulness, I did not want to come, and I think no one wanted to meet one another at the exception of our parents," She paused, looking at her sister. "And Claire."
Victoria pursed her lips, looking tired.
"I will admit," She confessed. "That I was outraged at such a proposal. But what is done is done, and cannot be changed, so we can either face the times ahead with a frown, or we can make this enjoyable for ourselves, and that can be done by, at the very least, trying to become..." She hesitated. "Friends."
Georgia contemplated this for a moment, looking thoughtful. She cracked a small smile. "You make an excellent point. Do we all agree to at least try to do this?"
Claire nodded, beaming. Elaine, unfortunately, seemed less happy, but still, her lips curved upward.
"As long as this agreement does not extend to the Jeinalti family, I'm in." She announced.
The other three exchanged looks of confusion, but shrugged.
The four princesses talked together about various things, slowly getting more comfortable.
"And then, after telling me off for being clumsy, he fell flat on his face!" Georgia said, drawing out laughs from Victoria and Elaine, who laughed ever so daintily , although Claire wasn't as amused.
"George broke his nose after that, you know." She scolded.
"Rest in piece, the nose of George Fementieva," Georgia agreed.
Victoria snorted. She was apparently very nice, but she was a master of pranks when she wanted. She and Georgia seemed to have an almost instant connection.
Claire wished she felt such with Elaine, but it looked like Elaine was more reserved. She didn't speak much, only reacting to what was already being said.
Until Georgia mentioned that Claire was a very fast runner.
That snapped Elaine to a more attentive level of attention, causing her and Claire to engage in an actual conversation, while Victoria and Georgia continued theirs.
As they sipped tea and feasted on biscuits, Claire was hopeful of having a true friend, and that hope stayed with her even until she was tucked in bed, closing her eyes to rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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