Part 7

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Felix pov

Me and Hyunjin were looking at eachother with full focus as if we were having a staring competition... 

Then someone said something and i looked up.. it was

?" do you mind if I join you guys and I am sorry if i interpreted your talk

"ofc you didn't " said Mrs Hwang 

Mr Hwang said " Meet our older son who is teaching at the same uni as our younger son  meet Namjoon"

My dad regonized him and said " how are you son"

when i saw who it was It was our fucking PROFESSER NAMJOON..

I looked up at hyunjin and he looked at me and nod gentley and meaning that it is his older brother 

I relaxed and he looked at me 

Then Mr Hwang said to Hyunjin "sit beside Felix so you guys can get along and I can talk to Namjoon" 

Hyunjin sulked and came towards me and I gave him space so he can sit..

Then I saw someone entered the door and i frozed on spot 

It was my obseesed crazy Ex 

He looked at me and came up to our table and said " HOW the fuck do you dare come with this slut, pervert and ignore my calls, How can you not fucking answer one call, And be with this stupid man, I was right you are a WHORE"

I Flinched and then Someone got up and i saw my dad's expression is jaw tightned and he looked at me and i looked at him and said quietly "HElP"

Then someone got up and said " Call him a fucking whore see what happened's " 

WHen i look back and saw hyunjin choking my crazy ex!

I was on the verge of crying 

Professer namjoon was looking between me and Hyunjin 

I pulled Hyunjin's hand ,he looked at me , his face softened and I said " I am fine , there is no point of fighting him , he is useless "

Hyunjin stopped choking him and said "come near him or any of us i will kill you more than what i did now and you can decide yourself concerning you got yourself choked and almost killed " 

My crazy ex looked at me and said " I will come after you baby"

I cringed so bad..

Hyunjin looked at namjoon a "Wtf" and a "what " expression 

Hyunjin said to his mom " Mom i am going to take a felix so he can breathe , we will be right back"

Mrs Hwang said " ok be safe "

Hyunjin looked at my dad for approval and he just nodded and smiled ..

Hyunjin took my hand brought me up and took me outside..

Hyunjin looked at me " are you hurt" 

I said " shouldn't i say that to you concidering you are the one who got into a fight "

We started walking around the area/ downtown...

Hyunjin said " so who is he " 

I said " oh him , he is my obbsessed crazy ex" 

Hyunjin said " who do you date "

I said " he was nice at first but became to clingy and i got weirded out so i broke up with him but for some reason he knows where i am everysingle time it so god damm fucking annoying"

Hyunjin smiled and laughed 

Hyunjin said "you are actually not that bad, i thought you were a nerd"

I said " How can a nerd be as good looking at me "

Hyunjin laughed and I laughed as well..

But it got cold and i started shiviring and my jacket was home...

Hyunjin looked at me and softened when he saw i was red and cold...

He took out his jacket and gave it to me and said "wear it "

I said putting it on " how about you"

He said " its fine i am not cold and if i ever do get cold , i can hug you right " He slightly smirked 

I said " you wish in your dreams, you can hug the tree for all i care about "

He said " take that back" he and i started laughing 

Then snow started coming and there was piles of snow on the ground

Hyunjin was a little ahead of me ..  , I picked up the snow and throwed at him

Hyunjin looked at me and said " you just did not do that " 

" I just did "

We had a snowball fight when snow came in my hair 

" Hyunjin "

"what happened "

He came towards me ...

" can you take the snow out of my hair without it touching my skin"

" sure"

He put his arm around mine so if the snow came on my neck his arm would protect my neck then he started brushing the snow off 

After a few mins later he said "done"

"should we head back" i said 

" nah its fine i can drop you home anyway " he said 

" really" i said 

"yeah but let me tell my mom so my mom can tell your mom" he said

While he was doing that, i saw him shivering so i went up to him and started hugging him..

A couple seconds later

He hugged me back..

said" Why are you hugging me "

I said" because you are cold dumbass"

He laughed and so did i and then we went to his car and he started taking me home , but before taking me there , he took me to a beach and we kinda had a snow ball fight but this time splashing eachother with water...

I said " i thought you were a heartless jerk and so rude but to be honest i enjoy your company"

He said " same but i only act heartless to people like who i dont know and to my friends i am nice "

I said " so am i your friend " 

He said " yeah you are"

Hyunjin mind " i am starting to fall for you princess and i love him so much that no other man/ women  touches him at all"

( i hope you like this part enjoy my other ones " 

LOve yall!

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