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Word count:767

Your POV:

~Present time~

My back ached after slaving away all day over a hot stove and wet floors. Malcolm had taken Rumple out into town for some time together this afternoon. And of course, Malcolm's mother and father have decided to surprise us for the first time since Rumple was born.

His parents didn't approve of us having a child out of wedlock, but now that we were married of course they approved! Just great, isn't it?

I wiped my hands off on my apron, taking the lose strands of my hair and putting it behind my ear. Sweat once again ran down my forehead, I wiped it before it could fall into any of the food.

I made a small blueberry pie, a few bowls of soup, and bread. It wasn't much but it was mainly all we had. Malcolm was hopefully bringing back some fish or chicken from the small market in town. 

I sighed, throwing the small white potholder down onto the counter before walking off to go clean some more of our house. 

We lived in a small house. It was a two bedroom and one bathroom house with a tiny kitchen and living room. Me and Malcolm stayed in our room. It was just big enough to hold a bed and dresser.

Rumple had a tiny room with a small single bed. There were some simple toys, pillows, and blankets placed messily around his room. 

I let out a low sigh, looking down at myself and then at my house. I think I was more of a mess than my house. 

I grabbed a mop and a good-sized bucket of water, leading it over to the kitchen floor and started doing simple housework.  

After a few moments of silently mopping away at the floors, the door opened. Of course, me expecting Malcolm and Rumple to walk in the door. I was very shocked to see two tall men, both of which had hoods pulled over their heads.

The mop fell from my hands. The sight of the two terrified me. What did they want? Why were they here? Have they done something to my husband and child?

One of them stepped forward, his eyes slowly being reveled from under the dark hood. "So, you're Malcolm's little wife?" He asked with a smug look on his face. I swallowed, slowly nodding my head.

"What have you done with my husband and son?" I asked, taking a few steps closer, making the gap smaller. I had a disgusted look on my face. My e/c eyes were filled with a deep blown hatred and a little hint of nervousness.

The man reached behind his back, pulling out a bag big enough to put a human inside. That's when I clicked in my head. "Let them go!" I ordered, hitting the man's chest.

He took that as an invitation to grab my wrists, binding them together faster than I thought was humanly possible.

I heard his deep smug chuckle, knowing it wasn't going to turn out good for me. He pushed me forwards, into the arms of another man. 

I struggled, my arms getting weaker by the minute. I finally gave up, letting the two take me wherever they wished.

I got dragged out of my own house like a dog following its owner. I didn't care one bit what they wanted to do with me. I just wanted to see my family and get things figured out. I wanted to go home, sleep in my bed next to my husband, waking up in the morning and cook for my family.

The woods I was brought too was different. It wasn't dark and scary. It was bright, colorful. It was filled with bright green plants, flowers, and small animals. Not someplace I thought someone would take their captives.

Then I saw them. My little family off in the distance. Malcolm stood in front of Rumple; his arms spread about behind him. A father protecting his son from the scary world.

I took one last glance at the men before breaking out of their grip and running. Both of their eyes lit. Rumple took one step closer to me, his pace stopping when another man stuck out his arm, preventing him from venturing any further.

I looked at my son, tears overflowing in my eyes. I was pushed towards my boys, Malcolm catching me in his arms. 

"Malcolm...?" I asked, looking up at him. He smiled, holding me close. Rumple jumped into my arms, hugging me tightly. Even if something were to happen to me, to any of us. I had my boys by my side.

"I'm prepared to make you a deal."

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