Chapter 5

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Dragon wings are just as serious as dragon tails. Do not get hit by one. And if for some reason you are going to be hit by one, do not be hit in the same place you had been hit by a dragon tail.

My chest had just been starting to feel better from where Enola had hit me with her tail. So of course she would hit me there again. I put the feather quill down for a moment and rubbed at my sore chest – then scratched it, blasted shoddy charm – then went back to writing.

I have learned the name of the dragon here – Enola. I can also confirm she is a female dragon. She continues to remain completely  no, violently disinterested in me. I take this as a sign that either the dragons are not interested in trapping us, as Katerina's letter suggested, or that our shields keep a dragon from noticing us. The other possibility is that this dragon is just a jerk, and at this point, I consider that to actually be the most likely. I am beginning to suspect I know why she lives out here on her own.

Other than a possible interest in ketchup, I have not learned of anything that Enola is interested in, so am still unable to confirm Katerina's claim of a dragon's need to repay favors. I have mentioned the king's interest in removing her, but she did not even give me a chance to suggest the plan I had in mind. She seems to be stubbornly against accepting help of any kind, and I still have no idea why – it may be related to wanting to avoid any need to repay favors, or a personal quirk of this dragon. Or possibly both. Either way, I still need more time to learn anything conclusive.

Since I still seem to be in no serious danger or risk of discovery, I plan to continue with my current approach. I have learned that Enola's lair is located inside a crystal deposit, and that the mages have discovered this  and, as mages do, have begun pressuring the king to seize the crystals. It is my hope that Enola will be more willing to accept my help once the king makes an attempt to remove her, at which point I will be able to see if she tries to repay the favor I do on her behalf. If so, we will be able to confirm Katerina was telling the truth in that part of her letter.

I sat the quill down and skimmed back over the coded letter to make sure I hadn't messed anything up, then leaned back in my chair. Lakeshire's tavern was quiet this afternoon, aside from the occasional sound of the cook banging around in the kitchen. Which was probably a good thing, given how I was still trying to avoid too much attention. As soon as my letter dried I would send it off and head to the small camp I had made an hour's walk from Enola's lair, and hopefully be back out of town without anybody knowing I had visited again.

"You there!" The door hadn't even swung closed before the loud call filled the room. "My horse needs food and water."

I glanced behind me to see who was responsible for the loud orders, and saw a young man dressed in fine clothes in the doorway. Everything about him screamed 'noble' – the style of his hair, the lack of calluses on his hands, the expensive rings on his fingers, the arrogant look in his eyes – and he had already looked past me to frown in disapproval at the tavern. He sniffed a little, then wrinkled his nose as if offended by the smell.

Definitely a noble.

Rather than draw attention by telling the noble I didn't work here – correcting someone with such bad manners almost always meant they held a grudge, and a noble holding a grudge against me was not a good way to stay unnoticed – I stood up from the table and nodded. "Right away, sir." I knew where the tavern kept its supplies, and maybe the cook would throw in a discount if he didn't have to deal with the noble. "What is your horse's name? So it won't be nervous around me."

"His name is Smokey. Stop." The noble held up a hand suddenly, but didn't look at me as he continued. "I have been sent from the king with a message for the dragon that is living near here. Have it summoned, so I can be on my way. I do not wish to remain here any longer than is absolutely necessary."

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