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It was the end of the day and the bell had rung.

June was leaving out her class when she saw Vanessa and a group of girls walking towards her.  She could hear them laughing and saying things amongst each other.

Vanessa stepped in front of June.  
" I hope you don't think Joey would ever fuck with you.  You ain't his type and could never be. He don't fuck with fat bitches, sorry.  " She said smiling.

"Me and Joey are just friends. Stop being a hating ass bitch.... I'll be fat. But I don't know what he ever saw in a bopped out ass ho like you.  " June said walking away. She couldn't believe she found the courage to finally stand up for herself against Vanessa.

"Yea you know better, walk off you scary ass big backed ho ." Vanessa called out.

As June was walking away she flicked vanessa and her friends off. She could hear Vanessa and her friends talking shit but she didn't care.

June walked outside and saw Joey sitting  in the parking lot. She then opened the passenger side door and got in.

"You gonna speak ?" Joey asked.

"Hey. " June said.

"That dry ass hey." Joey said smacking his lips.

He noticed June didn't respond.

"June, what's wrong ? " He asked

"Nothing." June said back

" June you know you can't lie for shit so you might as well tell me. "

" I got into it with Vanessa.. she came up to me and just started talking shit saying that I need to stay away from you and shit." June stated.

"Don't mind her, she's just a crazy ass ex." Joey replied.

"Mhm" was all June said after that.

"You wanna come chill with me at my place ?" Joey asked.

"I guess." June replied.

"What... you'n want too ?"  Joey asked her.

"Nah I do, but it's up to you forreal." She said.

Once they got to Joey's apartment, June and Joey went in.

June went to the bathroom and took a shower. She brought her a stay the night bag with her. She put on some bootyshorts and a crop top. She looked in the mirror and noticed that her belly fat and back rolls seemed to be going away. She looked decent in her eyes.

She then put some gloss on and walked out.

When she walked out the bathroom Joey was on the couch scrolling on his phone without a shirt on and she could see all his tats.

June sat next to him and grabbed her phone. 

She looked down at her messages and saw that Malaki was texting her about their assignment. She was about to respond when Joey looked over at her phone.

"Who you textin, Ju?" He asked.

"We doin a project together. " She replied

"Ju that's not what the fuck I asked.. you know what fuck it. Let's just watch sum on TV." Joey said as he turned the TV on and put a movie on.

June and Joey watched movies for the next couple of hours.

It was now around 11PM. Joey was in the shower and June decided she was gonna just go to bed.

She was laying on her side carelessly with her ass out cause she was comfortable.

Joey got out of the bathroom and walked in the room with his towel wrapped around his waist.  June turned around to look at him.

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