You want a fucking threesome ?

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An Ai told me to see a therapist today coz I'm sick in the head but I was like, I'll do you one better bitchhhh, I'll write. That's the number one therapy session I need, and here we are people. So enjoy this sick person's story, will you ?. This chapter is dedicated to every mentally ill gay out there. You all matter my guys. 😌😉


I move back a bit and stand by my bedroom door when the shower stops running, I was planning to either make a run for it after seeing this intruder or call for Nik. One thing was for sure I did not feel like fighting anyone rightnow with my aching ribs, jaw and head... and I wasn't going to fight a woman. Although she walked into MY room and used MY bathroom, who the fuck do-

My trail of thoughts stop immediately after my eyes land on the naked burnet that walks out of bathroom, her hair wet and flowing down to her neck. My eyes trail from her well tanned legs to her thighs where I could see drops of water cascading down her skin, then I go higher, my eyes widening by the minute as my legs grow weak and I lean against the door. I couldn't possibly think of fighting whoever this was. I reach her face where she has a friendly smile eyeing me as well, I don't know what the fuck for, I was a mess.

Huh, I'm thinking this is probably one of Nik's whores, she looks too pretty and sane to be deeply involved with him. "You must be Alison...". Holy shit she knows my name. I mean that's not the name I want anyone calling me, but she just said my name- snap out of it Cain, shit.

"Uh huh, and you are ?" I raise an eyebrow still eyeing her, only her face though, calm down guys.

"Well, coincidently, my name's also Alison" she shrugs and I scoff a laughter.


"Why are you standing so far ? Afraid of a naked girl ?" she raises her eyebrows and my eyes widen again, if Nik knew that her whore was hitting on me-. And yes, yes I'm scared of a naked girl... I can't just have temptations thrown my way not that I'd take them. I believe I'm better than that.

"If I may ask... what are you doing in my room, I thought Nik had his own shower" I was really curious about this. I mean you'd be curious if you found a girl in your shower then she just walked out of it fully naked and was making conversation with you normally.

I watch as she smiles wider taking steps towards me as she eyes me like I'm that expensive candy you've always wanted to try in that candy store but never had a chance to. "Oh I'm not here for your father Alison" she shakes her head and if possible my eyes widen even more in realization. That sick motherfu-


"I wanna know something..." I say the moment I walk into Nik's office. Caught off guard, I watch him slowly sit up looking at me a small frown on my face.

"Can't you fucking knock Alison?" he sighs, he looked tired, angry, sleepy, frustrated. But not too tired or frustrated to be messing with me.

"What's she doing in my room?" I cut to the chase pointing to the direction I'm hoping my room is. I watch as his facial expression changes and he smiles slowly.

"Cammon Ali I know you miss having fun and just because you're under my roof doesn't mean you have to stop". Just as I suspected, he brought her here... of-fucking-course. I nod smiling just like he is, as I catch on to what he is hinting towards.

"Ohh.." I laugh a bit and he laughs too pointing me like the sick man he is "Yeah get her out of my room now", I immediately scowl.

"Cammon Alison, you clearly seem like you've had a..." he points me up and down, "Tough day and it's not wrong to loosen up and have some fun".

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