chapter 6 | matilda

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Finnick's feet carried him swiftly along the path by the shoreline, the vibrant colors of dawn painting the sky in warm hues of yellow on the horizon of district 4

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Finnick's feet carried him swiftly along the path by the shoreline, the vibrant colors of dawn painting the sky in warm hues of yellow on the horizon of district 4.

Every morning, at the break of sunrise, he embarked on a solitary run, the rhythmic pounding of his steps a steady beat against the awakening day.

For Finnick, this morning routine held a significance beyond just physical exercise. It served as a sanctuary, a brief escape from the tumultuous currents of his thoughts.

The only place where Finnick felt he could distract himself from his thoughts, was when he was exercising. It became his coping mechanism to always be doing something to exert his energy, a way to shield himself from the complexities of his mind.

Another refuge for Finnick's thoughts was found in the presence of his best friend, Azalea Rose. Her company acted as a balm to his restless mind, radiating a warmth and vibrant energy that captivated him. He couldn't get enough.

In her presence, he discovered a unique ability to escape the tangled web of his thoughts.

Azalea possessed an unparalleled power to draw his attention away from the complexities that burdened him, redirecting his focus towards the simple joy of shared moments.

Her infectious enthusiasm and genuine spirit had a transformative effect, distracting him from anything going on in his mind, making every encounter a cherished memory.

He didn't know how she did it, but he truly loved it. She made him happy. He was so appreciative and grateful to have someone in his life like Azalea, even if they had only met a year and a half ago, more or less.

Before the Hunger Games, Finnick's social circle consisted of friends influenced by the typical dynamics of popularity and hierarchy. His charm and good looks had secured him a place in the popular crowd, and he reveled in the attention it brought.

However, beneath the surface, he grappled with the realization that many saw him only for his outward appearance.

He realised this when he was reaped.

All of his friends who came to say their final goodbyes before he left to the place which would change his life forever, those who came to bid him farewell did so with intentions that lacked genuine sincerity.

And when Finnick managed to win the games, having ensured victory by the slaughter of 23 innocent kids like him, with some from his own trident.

His 'friends' all jumped right back at him as soon as he had come back from battle, yet their presence seemed more about showcasing their association with the victor of district 4 than expressing true concerns for him or friendship.

He cut them off straight away, and closed himself off from anyone. It took him a long time to truly trust friendships, until he met Azalea. She was his first real friend. He could tell Azalea truly did care for him. Something he had never really felt before throughout his life. He was so appreciative of it.

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