Chapter Five: (Part 2) Kakazu Falls!

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[Chapter Five: (Part 2) Kakazu Falls!]

"Ino!" Choji shouted. He had dived behind her and taken the blow for her.

"Choji, Ino, you okay?" Both Shikamaru's asked.

"Yeah...we're fine." Choji said helping Ino stand.

"Stay alert!" Asuma Sensei said.

"I don't think we can do this alone guys! We need Naruto." Ino states.

"I hate to admit it but she's right, we've been at this for at least an hour if not longer!" Younger Shikamaru says.

Older Shikamaru sighed heavily, "This is such a drag...alright, call on Naruto, Ino and make it fast. We won't last much longer if he doesn't come soon." He says.

"Right!" Ino says loudly. Taking out the device she had been given, while Shikamaru used his shadow strangle jutsu to hold Kakazu in position she spoke the words Naruto wrote on the device next to the buttons.

[If you need me: Use This Saying and push your chakra into the Hirashin seal. - Your one and only Seventh Hokage!]

"With this seal, I call forth it's creator! Find me now and save me from certain death!" Ino shouted and her hands glowed yellow, her chakra infusing with the seal.


Meanwhile, Naruto had just gotten the kid's to sleep and told Tsundae she had first watch in case his jutsu was called upon by one of the groups. They were staying at a hotel in a town in the fire country when suddenly his body glowed and he opened his eyes. Using handseals he spoke in a whisper, "Seal release!" He said and in an instant he was standing directly beside Ino.

"Ino! You called?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto! We've got a problem... We took down Hidan but the five hearted Kakazu... We only took down three of his hearts. He still has his own and one other!" Ino states.

Naruto closes his eyes and puts his hands together, "Naruto! This is no time for praying!" Younger Shikamaru says.

"He's not praying, he's collecting Nature Chakra for Sage mode." Older Shikamaru says.

"Naruto can use Sage mode!?" Asuma says, his eyes wide. "Well I'll be a monkey's uncle."

Naruto opens his eyes, orange rims them and Hus usual blue eyes are a yellow with toad like slits for his pupils. He holds out his hand, "Shikamaru... Keep him stationary for now. I'm going to use that Jutsu." He says.

"Got it!" Older Shikamaru shouts, making his shadow grip Kakazu tighter.

"What Jutsu?" Asuma asks.

"You'll see Sensei!" Choji says.

Naruto makes the rasengon in his right hand but using his change in nature suddenly it creates the sound of blades slashing against each other and his wind chakra makes the blades slashing really loud. "Kakazu! How many times in one life time, do I have to kill you! You bastard!" Naruto shouts. He begins to run towards the man.

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