Chapter one: worm hole...

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As Y/N falls through the swirling vortex of the wormhole, she feels disoriented and dizzy. The surroundings change rapidly, and before she knows it, she lands in a forest clearing. The air is thick with an otherworldly energy, and strange sounds echo in the distance.

As Y/N tries to collect herself, she notices three figures approaching cautiously. Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu, the trio from Demon Slayer, emerge from the shadows, their weapons at the ready.

Tanjiro: "Hey, are you okay? What just happened?"

Inosuke: sniffing the air "Smells weird, doesn't it, Zenitsu?"

Zenitsu: gulps nervously "I-I don't like this! What if she's a demon or something?"

Tanjiro, however, senses no hostility from Y/N and lowers his sword.

Tanjiro: "We should find out what happened. Are you lost?"

Y/N, still bewildered, nods. The trio exchanges glances and seems to communicate silently.

Inosuke: "You can't just leave someone alone in the woods, even if they are weird. We'll take her with us until we figure this out!"

Zenitsu: whispering "But what if she's a demon in disguise?"

Inosuke: "I'll keep an eye on her! If she tries anything funny, I'll slice her in half!"

Tanjiro, the compassionate and understanding leader of the group, takes the initiative to guide Y/N through the dense forest. Inosuke follows closely, eyeing Y/N suspiciously, while Zenitsu reluctantly tags along, muttering about the dangers of demons and strange occurrences.

Tanjiro: "Don't worry. We'll help you find your way back or figure out what happened. My name is Tanjiro, and these are Inosuke and Zenitsu."

Y/n: I..I am Y/n..

Inosuke: gruffly "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just don't slow us down!"

Zenitsu: whispering "I don't like this at all, Tanjiro. What if she attracts demons?"

Tanjiro: "Zenitsu, we can't judge someone based on assumptions. We need to show kindness and understanding. It's the right thing to do."

As they venture deeper into the forest, Y/N explains her situation and the strange occurrence that led her to this unfamiliar world. Tanjiro listens attentively, his empathy evident in his eyes. Inosuke, though still wary, begins to ease up a bit, and Zenitsu's fear gradually transforms into a cautious curiosity.

The group encounters various demon-infested areas along the way, and the trio demonstrates their exceptional demon-slaying skills. Y/N, in awe of their abilities, begins to understand the world she has found herself in.

Inosuke: after defeating a demon "Ha! That was easy!"

Zenitsu: panting "You guys are lucky I'm here to protect you. I'm really brave, you know."

Despite their quirky personalities, the trio proves to be a formidable team. Tanjiro, with his keen sense of smell, notices that Y/N doesn't emit any demonic scent, confirming her innocence.

As they continue their journey, Y/N becomes an unexpected but welcomed addition to their group. 

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