Chapter 4: Uniform!

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The group successfully completes their mission, returning to the Butterfly Mansion after a day filled with demon-slaying endeavors. The atmosphere is a mix of exhaustion and accomplishment as they make their way back to the familiar surroundings of the mansion.

Y/N, relieved to be out of the wind and back in the confines of the mansion, takes a moment to catch her breath. The demon slayers, including Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Nezuko, gather together to discuss their experiences and plan for the next steps.

Tanjiro: "Good job, everyone. We handled that demon well. Y/N, how did you find your first mission?"

Y/N, despite the initial challenges with the uniform, smiles.

Y/N: "It was intense, but I'm getting the hang of it. Thanks for the support, everyone."

Inosuke, eager for more action, grumbles, "That wasn't enough! I want a stronger demon next time!"

Y/n: "next time inosuke"

As the group returns to the Butterfly Mansion, they notice a mysterious girl in the garden. She has striking big purple eyes, black hair, and a complexion that contrasts with her surroundings—pale white skin that seems almost ethereal.

Y/N, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Nezuko exchange curious glances, wondering about the identity and purpose of the girl in the garden. The air is filled with an aura of intrigue as they approach her.

Tanjiro, taking the lead, addresses the girl with a friendly tone.

Tanjiro: "Hello there. Are you a friend of the Butterfly Estate? We just returned from a demon-slaying mission."

The girl, surrounded by the beauty of the garden, looks up with her captivating purple eyes, her presence shrouded in an air of mystery. 

Y/N, intrigued by the girl's presence, takes the initiative to engage her.

Y/N: "What's your name?"

Kanao, with her serene yet somewhat reserved demeanor, looks at Y/N with her captivating purple eyes, contemplating her response.

Kanao: "My name is Kanao Tsuyuri. I'm a member of the Demon Slayer Corps."

Y/n: "Me too!"

Kanao, known for her silent communication through coin tosses, glances at Tanjiro with her enigmatic purple eyes. With a subtle motion, she flips a coin, indicating heads or tails without saying a word.

Tanjiro, noticing the coin flip, observes attentively, trying to interpret Kanao's silent message.

The coin spins in the air before landing, revealing its outcome. 

Kanao: "heads"

Tanjiro, seeing Kanao's wave, responds with a friendly smile and a wave of his own.

Tanjiro: "Hello, Kanao. It's nice to meet you. We just returned from a demon-slaying mission. How has your day been?"

Kanao, maintaining her calm demeanor, nods in acknowledgment. While she may not speak much, her actions and expressions convey a quiet strength and an unspoken connection with the Demon Slayer Corps. 

Y/N, taking advantage of the moment when Tanjiro is engaged in conversation, leans in and whispers to Zenitsu.

Y/N: "Since Tanjiro is talking to someone, do you want to help me pick out a uniform?"

Zenitsu, startled by the sudden whisper, blushes but quickly composes himself.

Zenitsu: "O-oh, sure! I'd be happy to help. Let's find something that suits you perfectly!"

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