Chapter 3: The first ray of sunlight..

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As Y/N slowly wakes up, the first thing she notices is the soft rustling of sheets. Blinking away the last remnants of sleep, she looks around and sees Tanjiro and Nezuko sleeping peacefully beside her.

Tanjiro, with his serene expression, rests nearby, his peaceful slumber evident even in the faint moonlight that filters through the room. Nezuko, her bamboo muzzle still in place, lies beside Tanjiro, her gentle breathing a quiet rhythm in the room.

Y/N, surprised by their proximity, gazes at them with a mix of curiosity and wonder. She can't help but feel a sense of closeness to them, despite the initial unfamiliarity of this world and its inhabitants.

The quiet moment allows Y/N to observe the tranquility in the room. It's a stark contrast to the chaotic world outside filled with demons and dangers. The bond between Tanjiro and Nezuko, evident even in their sleep, speaks volumes about their unbreakable connection as siblings.

Y/N, slightly flustered, realizes that in their sleep, Tanjiro has unknowingly wrapped an arm around her, holding her in a gentle embrace. Her cheeks flush with a tinge of embarrassment, surprised by the unexpected closeness.

As she tries to adjust herself, Y/N notices something else—under the blanket, Zenitsu is sleeping, resting his head on her thighs. Shocked and unsure of what to do, she carefully tries not to disturb him, startled by the unforeseen situation.

Y/N's heart races, torn between the awkwardness of the moment and not wanting to disturb their peaceful sleep. She tries to gently maneuver without waking either of them, attempting to ease out of Tanjiro's embrace and create some distance between herself and Zenitsu.

However, in her attempts to move, Tanjiro stirs slightly, murmuring something in his sleep. Y/N freezes, hoping she hasn't disturbed him, while also trying to figure out how to delicately handle the situation with Zenitsu without waking him.

Y/N, her face now adorned with a deeper blush, finds herself caught in a mix of emotions—surprise, embarrassment, and a hint of amusement. The cozy warmth of the room contrasts with the slight awkwardness of the situation.

As Y/N carefully maneuvers, trying not to disturb Tanjiro or Zenitsu, she can't help but appreciate the innocence of the moment. The unexpected closeness, while initially awkward, carries a certain charm—a snapshot of the camaraderie that has formed among the group in such a short time.

Gently and slowly, Y/N manages to free herself from Tanjiro's embrace without waking him. She then shifts Zenitsu's head off her thighs and readjusts the blanket, ensuring their comfort without causing any disturbance.

With a quiet sigh of relief, Y/N takes a moment to observe the sleeping trio, each in their peaceful repose. The room, filled with the soft sounds of breathing and the moonlight casting a serene glow, becomes a sanctuary of tranquility amid the uncertainties of their journey.

As Y/N settles back into her own space, she can't help but smile at the unexpected dynamics of the night, realizing that even in moments of vulnerability, the bonds between them strengthen, forging a unique connection in this world of demons and dreams.

The rustling of the blanket and the subtle movements in the room catch Nezuko's attention, prompting her to awaken from her slumber. Her eyes slowly flutter open, revealing a soft, amber glow that reflects a sense of awareness.

Nezuko, still lying next to Tanjiro, shifts her gaze to Y/N, who is now readjusting herself after the slight commotion caused by Tanjiro and Zenitsu's sleep positions.

With a quiet yawn, Nezuko sits up, her bamboo muzzle still in place. Her eyes express a mix of curiosity and recognition as she glances around the room. Despite her inability to speak, Nezuko's silent presence conveys a sense of understanding and connection with those around her.

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