Between worlds

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She wasn't one to be curious, much less adventurous. Only despised... a little.  That may have been the reason she was here. Why they took her to the well?A plaeso could and dim. A well in the middle of a smooth field surrounded by woods. This wood is surrounded by a world she would never encounter.

This is a product of her misfortune, she thought, but she had never experienced misfortune in any of the aspects of her life; all had come to her convenience always, without fail. And if it were nothing more than bad luck, then why did her captors carry such endless hatred toward her and show no motive for forcing her here? "If this were misfortune, she would already be dead," she believed. "Something terrible would have already occurred; they have no reason to simply lay me  here and wait.  When Someone captures someone and brings them by force, it is  because they have bad intentions, to do something to them that they would not accept in free will. Are they waiting for someone to do the deed?

If not misfortune, then what? A cult? Had she been taken here for some sort of sacrificial preparation, thus their motive for beating her? The more pain the animal felt, the more pleased his master was, or so I heard. Could they have specifically seen her and thought she was appropriate for the ceremony? The more she thought of it, the more ridicule it sounded to her. According to her knowledge, starvation and torment affect the blood with would damage the ceremony. If they wanted a sacrifice then why make the trip all the way to town to get the sacrifice and return with her to the field, if their are more then enough farmer girls in the aria. A sacrifice was unlikely. Could it be an act of hate? From someone who truly loathed her. The possibilities ran frantically through her mind. Could this be the grope of girls that glared at her, unpleased by her existence? Or was it one of the boys she teased ? Could it have been someone who hated not her but her father? The fists bashed against her face did not feel like those of inherited vengeance, and if this were a personal issue between school children, how would they have arranged such an act in a moment of rage? They are teenagers. To have her here blindfolded on the ground, in the middle of nowhere. "Where is my father," was the first statement she made since consciousness. She said in distress, as if Naming the man would make him magically appear and save her from her torment she endured. Well, he did not appear, nor did the comment have any effect on her captors.

She lay on the ground in an open space on the dry crisp grass that was cut into her side, thinking and shaking while the violence beat at her back, her front, and every piece of skin that was accessible. She could only respond to the pain that managed to shake her head and cut her thoughts short. It hurt to think. She wanted to shut dawn the thoughts, to stop it all, including the curiosity and questions keeping her conscious. So she stuck to a simpler theory, one that did not require thought, one that she would not convince herself  untrue. Alas, she decided on the  logical reason that "this is a sacrifice, that she is a demon princess, and that this was not her fault in any manner." Even if she had a realistic answer to her distress, the response to these questions would have been utterly useless. They had clearly prepared for this and moved with all confidence, hostility, and precision. 

The wellTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon