Death's embrace?

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Speaking of home, how do I get out of this filthy hole? It is night. All this indicates that my screams will not save me. I see no other way out other than climbing up. I know it's impossible, but there is no other way out. I place my hands against the wall and the soles of my feet against the other side, and I try to find the strength to walk myself up. Once in this position, I can't move. I can't move up or down, and I can't easily maintain myself in this position. I fell drastically into the water. If I were not capable of climbing the monkybars in tenth grade, much less would I be cable climbing up a miserable ten-foot wall. I am exhausted. I sit here in hope that someone will come for me.

It has been many hours since I kept spraying; I have attempted to throw the water over the walls; I have attacked the walls. Mothig, no one is coming fore. I can barely walk anymore. What am I thinking? Taking on the mission of climbing a ten-foot wall upward, I lost all energy. I am going to die here. Here, in this dirt. No other thought flowed other than the fact that I was going to cake my last breaths amongst this dirt. The last moments of life will be spent here, of all places. I can't think of a death that was more humiliating. I will die in such a hideous, dirty, old, and decomposing place. I am going to be drawn into this water when I can no longer swim; I am going to be drawn, and I am going to sink down there, and my father will not be able to find the body, and I will be here forever. I will decompose into such a horride place and without the right to a disent fuleral. My soul is going to reminisce in this repulsive and dirty water.

I start screaming insults at whoever took me. I do not care if they are here or not. I do not care if they come to ensure my death; to make it longer, I do not care anymore. I accept the walls that confine me. I punch and kick them, not noticing my fists now bloody. All I have done is grow exhausted through my screams and escape attempts. I have achieved nothing but weakness in my legs. I try to hang myself on the wall, but that is not effective. I fear I will soon turn around as tiredness takes me away, and I fade into darkness as I become unconscious and sink into the freezing water. I fall deep and deeper until I can no longer see, whether it is a lack of light, or my incapacity. All fades to black

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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