𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥: 𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐰?

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You walked along the narrow corridors of Hogwarts, its students lounging in its corners and open seats, some out in the field, talking, chatting, running around, teasing, and having fun. Must be study hall period for the lot of them.

You start to notice that others are staring at you. You understand. A newcomer to this castle they learned to call home. You felt eyes scan you up and down— inspecting you. Observing you. Though you didn't mind them at all, you were what your parents called, "An extroverted *Lady's Mantle," it sounds weird at first, but you've learned what it meant, a social person who picks love and comfort over popularity and pressure.

Your Mother and Father were always so protective by nature, even so much as letting you be homeschooled and ignoring the letters that came from Hogwarts on your 11th birthday. A bit outrageous, honestly. But you loved them, and they to you, fortunately, on your 16th birthday, they told you that you could wish for anything you wanted, and wish you did.

"Mother, Father, I wish to attend Hogwarts, I'm rather tired of all the fuss you make and the lack of socializing with people my age. You know me, I want to see new people! I love you dearly but, I wanna see the other wonderful things they have in store for me there, like those stories you always told me about when you attended there. Please."

They were reluctant but eventually, that came to a pass and they let you go. If you were going to be honest, they already taught you every subject they taught at Hogwarts, with a bit of an advancement to it. So you were sure your classes wouldn't be a problem. Not too shabby at all.

You were soon sent a letter of admittance for your first 6th year in Hogwarts, you've missed a great deal, but you knew you could make it up with your knowledge. And so here you stand. right in front of the Headmaster's office. You let out a shaky sigh and proceeded to knock on the big wooden door.

"The door is open." 

As soon as the door opened, you were greeted by an old man, Armando Dippet, current Headmaster of Hogwarts,  whom your Father told you, was a commendable wizard, very well over 300 years old, so he must know a great deal. "Uhm, hello sir- Headmaster? Sir?" Dippet let out a chuckle, "I find that Professor Dippet shall do just fine Ms. L/N." You shyly dipped your head and smiled, "Right heh. . . of course, so, Professor Dippet, how should I get myself settled? Oh! And how does sorting work? Ah! Did I get my class schedule yet?" 

Professor Dippet chuckled, "You are quite your Mother's daughter. aren't you? Not to worry about anything, the sorting hat here will get you, well, sorted into the house that fits you best, and after that, well, one of the Professors, Professor McGonagall, will get your living quarters, schedule, and everything else ready for you." He walked up to one of the shelves and retrieved a hat, with a few wrinkles to make out a face.

He then proceeded to get a chair, "Right, now, Ms. L/N, could I have you sit here for a little sorting?" You sat in the chair and Professor Dippet placed the hat on you, who then proceeded to come alive and talk, "Well! Now! Look at here, who do we have? Ms. Y/N L/N, daughter of Alastor L/N and Venice L/N, I remember those two quite well, the boy a Slytherin, and the girl, a Hufflepuff, quite the pair." Y/N huffed, "Mr. Sorting Hat, could I please just get my house?"

The hat sneered, "Hah! Feisty tongue, this one is. Much like her Father. . . Hm, I see a Slytherin in your attitude, although, Oh oh! Or Gryffindor? I sense bravery in you. . . Oh? A bit brainy, Ravenclaw? No, not brainy enough—" Your eyebrows scrunched up, what is that supposed to mean??

 "Hufflepuff? Would you like Hufflepuff? Ooh! You know what? I got it—"

You take a sharp breath and close your eyes.


Your eyes pop open in surprise, unfortunate that you didn't get sorted into either of your parents' houses, yet the quivering smile on your face betrayed your initial thoughts. Professor Dippet clapped, "Well, now that settles it then?"

The hat bellowed, "Yes! Yes! But, of course, Even though you are sorted, be a Gryffindor at heart, Hufflepuff at soul, Ravenclaw at mind, and Slytherin at strength. Welcome to Hogwarts little lady."

"I couldn't have said it any better," someone spoke up behind you and Professor Dippet, he looked old as well, styling a long grey beard, dark robes, and a hat. "Ah, Professor Dumbledore, how wonderful you made it in time to greet the new student!" Said Professor Dippet, grabbing the Sorting Hat, who gasped and was about to retort at such violent handling, but was stuffed away in the shelves before anything.

Following Professor Dumbledore was another lady, you remember what Professor Dippet said, and thought if this was Professor McGonagall. "My, is this the new student? She seems quite lovely Dippet.

The three of them towered over you, and you felt yourself shrink. Until the old woman spoke, "Well, I suppose we should get going now, Ms. L/N? I prepared your room and belongings quite nicely, right this way."

Gryffindor Common Room. . .

You walked the very confusing steps towards the Gryffindor Common Room, with Professor McGonagall leading the way, until you both stopped at a painting of a Fat Lady, which turned out to be her name, "Password, " she said. "Flibbertigibbet," replied the Professor, Y/N chuckled at the funny name, and the Fat Lady smiled, "What a nice laugh," before opening the door.

Professor walked right on ahead, you trailing behind slowly, taking the time to admire the Gryffindor Common Room, "It's very beautiful isn't it? Though all the house common rooms are all unique," said Professor McGonagall, she was probably not trying to be biased, but who cares?

You followed McGonagall up the staircase, leading to a door, "This is the girl's quarters, we strictly forbid both genders in the same room, for. . . various reasons, of course."

As you enter, you notice other sleeping lumps on the other bed, your soon-to-be roommates, both you and the Professor quietly walk to your assigned bed.

Professor McGonagall smoothed the sheets of your bed, "Well, I suppose you should rest up in the morning Ms. Y/N, your supplies have been organized in the chest at the foot of your bed, and all of your clothing and personal items in the shelves and drawers beside your bed. When you wake, you will find your class schedules on your nightstand. Goodnight and do make yourself at home dear."

Author's Records: As you might suspect, this timeline will not be following the original, since doing that would be quite difficult. So I put you and Tom in the timelines of Lily and James, as well as all the others.

**Alchemilla Mollis - Also known as the Lady's Mantle, these signify Comforting Love, at a time when you want to let someone know you are there for them. 

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