Chapter 8

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Today you were especially bored, rabbids aside this world was just as normal as yours. And coupled with lack of internet connexion in your home, you couldn't help but lying utterly unmotivated on the living room floor.

You were truly bored. You thought of looking for some outside, but you had no idea where one could even be at the moment. Sure, you knew they had their own little city somewhere, but you had no clue of its location.

So you laid there, thinking. When your eyes locked on a picture on the side table. It was the one you took with the rabbids the last time you were at the mall.

And suddenly you sat up. They would surely be here again. You remember a lot of episodes happening there. And while you had no certitude, it was better than staying cramped up in your home for the next hours or so.

Finally feeling motivated, you stood up and made your way to your father's office to tell him of your plans for the day. He nodded and wished you fun while handing you a bit of money. You wasted no time putting your rollerblades and protections, and rolled to the mall.

It was a pretty small trip with your rollers, but you haven't run into any rabbids on the way there.

You enter the mall and rolled for a bit, looking around in search of rabbids. When you heard a little sound, so quiet you could have missed it. You got closer to the sound and saw a rabbid inside of a vending machine.

When you got in front of it, he looked up at you and spoke sadly, holding his arms up. You looked at him for a bit and backed up, looking around. After making sure no one was near you, you got closer and started taking off your gloves.

"Don't worry I'll help you" You muttered.

He looked at you still, tilting his head to the side like a bird.

You looked around you again and took out your lock picking set. It wasn't your full one, just the ones you most commonly used. And started working on the lock.

"If you knew the number of times I locked myself out of the house..." You trailed off, fixated on the lock.

He tried to look at what you were doing, but failed to get a good look because of the glass panel. After a few minutes of lock picking and looking over your shoulders, you finally heard the distinctive clicking sound of the lock opening. You rushed to hide your lock pick in your satchel, then opened the glass door and scooped him out in a frenzy and closed the door before anyone could see you.

You sigh in relief, cleaning the sweat on your forehead with the back of your hand.

"This is way too stressful for me..." You turned your head down to look at the rabbid still in your arms.

"Please be careful next time, or else you might get locked in for way longer..."

He looked at you with stars in his eyes, and thanked you with a hug, before jumping out of your arms and running away, probably looking for his friends.

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