I . Perdana !

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Perdana sat up on his bed. The soft and rough combination of his sheets under his fingers called for him to snuggle back into. Turning his head to look at his watch and the still dark sky, his eyes squinting to read the time without his glasses. "6 AM..?" He muttered to himself. Brushing his black hair back with his fingers as he processed the morning welcoming him. Not in the snugly way like his bed atleast. The short length making them fall back to place anyway.

Perdana stared at his window absentmindedly before he blinked in realization. "Alright, let's do this-" Perdana groaned lazily. Stretching his limbs. Before admitting defeat and flopped back on his bed. "-In another 5 minutes.."

"Perdana?" Aunt Mia knocked on his door, almost startling the young man. Gentle opening it with a creak. She was wearing a yellow jubah with some sunflower pattern, also with her half done hijab for this morning. It suited her kind but firm attitude. "It's 6, isn't your friend Omar coming to get you at 7??" Aunt Mia raised an eyebrow with her hands raised to rest on her hips. "Inaminit.." Perdana dragged a pillow to put on his face. The light from the kitchen burning his eyes like a vampire. "No no in a minit la" Aunty Mia stepped closer, an unamused expression on her face with her annoyed look. Prying the pillow away from Perdana's face before putting her hands on his shoulders and Pulled him up, forcing him to stand.

Perdana's feet tilted forward like in a swaying motion. Sarcastically steadying himself to irritate Aunt Mia more. Though his playful yet sleepy smile deserved a light hit on his shoulder. "Ow-!" Perdana yelped quietly, Aunt Mia tauntingly snoozed. "That's what you get-" Aunt Mia smiled lightly, do finding Perdana's antics never boring. Perdana rubbed his shoulder that took the impact, it didn't hurt but he was just doing it out of instinct. "Go shower, Omar is a earful even in the 'pagi buta'." Aunt Mia sigh. Walking back to the door and switched the ceiling light on by Perdana's walls. Making it so much moody for Perdana. "Don't go back to sleep ah" She glared, squinting her eyes in an act of warning. Perdana gave a thumbs up, still smiling playfully with his sleepy eyes closed. "I won't Aunty, I'm not 12" Perdana then turned his lips into a reassuring smile. But the look on Aunty Mia's face shows how she's in full doubt. Shutting the door with a click. Perdana slouched when she did, scratching his head before grabbing his towel by the window. Getting ready to shower before another day at campus.


"--And I was like- no?? heat does not depend on zarah zarah," Omar ranted and grumbled as his palms flatten on the steering wheel. The road already busy with people going to work. Some walking, some using the LRT from above, some using bikes, the blue van for the factories, and so many more transports. The sky was beautifully purple and soft blue by now. The car Omar owns was a red myvi. The king of the road if people called it. The medium air conditioner there was enough to make Perdana jerk from the cold. "And what did they say?" Perdana smile nevertheless, turning his head from the car window to Omar. Listening from the passenger seat on the left. "They didn't believe me-! I have to google and everything but they just had to ask miss!" Omar's frustration made Perdana chuckle, Omar was like a high schooler arguing about a girl. He patted his friend's back, "I'm sure they were so cuak and embarrassed when they knew they were wrong kan?" Perdana lean back to the seat. Hands behind his neck. Seeing the grimace on Omar's face.

Omar hummed and rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue too. "Bet they did. Can't believe they were so in denial even if that topic was in form 2." Omar showed his two fingers, making himself and Perdana to laugh quietly. Before a comfortable silence starting to deafen the car. Only leaving the engine noises and the faint song played by Fly.FM. "How's math?" Omar asked. Raising an eyebrow as he continue to focus on the road. Perdana flinched awake, almost falling asleep by the chilly air conditioner and the soft music. "Your question sounds like you're asking a child after sekolah rendah." Perdana replied sleepily, he'd been working on his assignments all night. Faking an insulted gasp. Omar panic. "No- no I didn't mean it like that-" He laugh. Perdana did too, finding Omar's reaction priceless. "Okay- okay let me start over. How's your mathematical major going on?" Omar mocked. That question made Perdana and Omar laughed a bit harder. Making Perdana hit Omar's shoulder playfully. "It's what it is, memorizing formulas, answering and figuring out questions that half the hall doesn't even know how to, oh and don't forget the piled of work." Perdana straighten up from his seat. "But it's okay," Perdana said that so nonchalantly, like he had accepted his situation long ago or was just saying that to himself. It made Omar snicker.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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