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My name is Emona, and I have lived for more than ten thousand years. I was born in a small village near the river Ljubljanica, where my people hunted, fished, and farmed. We were peaceful and happy, until the day the strangers came.

They wore metal armor and helmets, and carried swords and spears. They said they were Romans, and that they had come to build a city on our land. They called it Colonia Iulia Aemona, and they forced us to work for them, to build their walls, roads, and temples. They took our crops, our animals, and our children. They treated us like slaves, and worse.

I hated them with all my heart, and I prayed to the gods of my ancestors to free us from their tyranny. One night, I sneaked into their camp, and found their leader, a man named Calvisius Sabinus. He was sleeping in his tent, surrounded by guards. I had a knife in my hand, and I was ready to kill him.

But as I approached him, something strange happened. I felt a surge of energy in my body, and a voice in my head. It said: "Do not kill him. He is your destiny. You are the chosen one. You will live forever, and you will see the rise and fall of empires. You will witness the glory and the misery of humanity. You will be the guardian of this land, and its history. You are Emona, the immortal."

I was shocked and terrified. I dropped the knife, and ran away. I did not understand what had happened, or why. I did not know who or what had spoken to me, or what it meant. I only knew that I had been changed, and that I could not go back to my old life.

The next day, the Romans found me, and captured me. They accused me of being a spy, and a traitor. They tortured me, and tried to kill me. But they could not. I did not feel pain, or bleed, or die. I healed from every wound, and survived every blow. They were amazed, and afraid. They thought I was a witch, or a demon. They decided to burn me alive, and throw my ashes into the river.

But they failed. The fire did not harm me, and the water did not drown me. I escaped from their grasp, and fled into the woods. I hid there for a long time, until the Romans left. They had been attacked by other invaders, the Huns, the Goths, the Lombards, and others. Their city was destroyed, and their empire collapsed. I saw it all, from a distance. I saw the end of their civilization, and the beginning of a new one.

I wandered the land, alone and lonely. I met many people, and saw many things. I learned new languages, and new customs. I witnessed wars and plagues, famines and floods, revolutions and reforms. I saw the rise of Christianity, and Islam, and other religions. I saw the birth of nations, and the death of kings. I saw the invention of printing, and gunpowder, and the compass. I saw the discovery of new worlds, and the exploration of space. I saw the creation of art, and music, and literature. I saw the beauty and the horror of human history.

But I never stayed in one place, or with one person, for too long. I was afraid of being discovered, and persecuted. I was afraid of being loved, and losing. I was afraid of being attached, and suffering. I was afraid of living, and not living.

I returned to Ljubljana, the city that had been built on the ruins of Emona, many times. I saw it change, and grow, and flourish. I saw it become the capital of Slovenia, a proud and independent country. I saw it become a modern and vibrant city, full of culture and diversity. I saw it become my home, and my identity.

I live here now, in a small apartment near the river. I have a fake name, and a fake identity. I have a job, and a hobby. I have friends, and acquaintances. I have a life, and a story. But I do not have a future, or a purpose. I do not have a reason, or a meaning. I do not have a death, or a peace.

I am Emona, the immortal. And this is my story.

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