{Chapter 8: In For Questioning}

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this was suppost to be out by christmas i'm sorry p-p //

Amalia paced her room, they'd taken Yugo to the dungeons and the others would be here soon. Nothing made sense. Was that him? How was he back? Why was he trying to kill her? If he's here, is Qilby too? How did he bring him back? Are her friends even coming?

She sat down and took a deep breath, trying to slow the questions bombarding her. "They are coming, and maybe they'll understand what to do from here." She told herself.

Amalia stood at the gates with a few other guards, tapping her fingers on her arm nervously. A few minutes passed and her friends finally arrived; Eva, Dally, Elely (they left Flopin at home with the baby), and Ruel. Dally fell off his dragoturkey and Eva was the first over to her.

"What's the emergency?" she asked. Amalia looked from her too everyone else. Adamai still wasn't there yet.

"Yes what is it?" Ruel replied.

"I'll explain in a bit but lets wait for Adamai first."

Eventually Adamai arrived with Chibi, he looked in a bad mood. She got the feeling he had forced him to come.

"Right, you guys might wanna sit down for this, come inside." Amalia said, waving them in as the guards opened the doors.

[Time skip till after she explained the best she could]

"He's alive?" Chibi mumbled confused.

"How do we know that's really him down there?" Adamai asked her.

"You can see him for yourself. I don't even know."

"Should we go to the dungeons and see then?" Ruel asked.

Elely looked over at him and replied, "Yeah and lead the way because you probably perfectly know where it is."

/if y'all can guess what she's talking about congrats to you/

Ruel rolled his eyes. Amalia stood up and led them towards the dungeons. The roots of the grand tree that was the Sharm Castel twisted and weaved through the ground creating the halls as they went down and down.

Finally they reached the room. Guards stood outside and glanced at them as they walked through. In a cell to the right sat a not so happy looking figure, and in front of it stood a Sadida man trying to ask questions.

"Why were you attacking the princess? Who are you?" He sighed after there was again no answer, then noticed the group that had come in. "Oh, Princess Amalia."

She greeted the man and explained they were gonna ask him some questions themselves. He nodded and stepped back.

In the cell was the somehow alive, slightly older Yugo. He was sitting with his back on the wall watching them, he scowled at them from the other side.

Everyone looked shocked. "Yugo?" Dally and Elely both whispered with similar levels of confusion still. Adamai took a step back, staring at what seemed to be his brother.

"I still don't believe that's him, it can't be." Adamai said to Amalia, "It could just be another trick. Besides, Yugo is dead and without me dead too Qilby wouldn't have been able to revive him using the dofus."

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the sort-of-maybe-Yugo look up at the mention of Qibly. That's a reaction at least. But he looked confused a little, probably because Ad was saying he was dead while he was sitting only a few feet away from him.

"I assure you I am not dead." Yugo mumbled.

"Then what are you?" Ad snarled looking down at him.

"An Eliatrope, scalehide." He replied with a hard glare.

"Before this escalates, we're going to try and ask you again; why are you here?" Eva cut in before Ad could reply.

"I don't have to tell you."

"Why's that?"

"You're all the ones who helped almost end the world several times, I don't have to explain myself to thugs and killers."

"Thugs and killers?" Adamai repeated angrily, "Most of those times you started it."

There was silence for a bit then he mumbled, "That's not what he said."

"He? Who's 'he'?" Elely asked confused.

He only answered with silence. This was gonna be harder than the Brotherhood thought. Theycontinued trying to ask him questions for a while, but that wasn't getting them anywhere; itwas actually making things more confusing than they already were.

"Has anyone seen Chibi?" Ruel asked. Sure enough, the Eliatrope was nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe he just outside." Elely replied with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"I'll go find him." Amalia said as she walked out. Being in there was getting confusing anyways.

// Sorry if this was bad or short but i needed it to be out eventually //

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