Chapter 4: Interesting People on the Road

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Chapter 4

Interesting People on the Road

"The road is full of interesting folk. Some friendly, some not. Keep one hand on your knife when you aren't sure which is which "-Lucky Thlagmar, a character in the play Kolgan's Hunts, act 2 scene 3. Written by Alegia Tubali in 3E 357 and first performed 3E 359.

"Come on Hammel, be brave..."

Hammel stirred as the memory faded. Someone woke him up and he was grateful to them. He didn't like exploring his past, especially involuntarily.

It was the smell that he noticed first, warm alcohol mixed with nutmeg and ginger. His eyes snapped open and he took in the surroundings. He was still on the bench with his back against the wall at the Sleeping Giant. The inn was abandoned aside from Delphine.

She was standing directly in front of him, waving a tin cup under his nose. Based on the smell, it was full of warm, spiced wine. In Delphine's other hand was a pewter plate stacked high with a hunk of bread and wedge of goat cheese. "Eat, drink," she commanded, shoving the food at the barely conscious Hammel.

Groggily, he took the plate and cup. "Do you do anything other than give orders?" He muttered, taking a sip of the spiced wine. It was absolutely delicious.

"Yes. I also sweep the floors." There was a glimmer in Delphine''s eye, showcasing the humour she intended despite her deadpan tone.

Hammel smiled a little. It was good to know she wasn't some Dwemer automaton. The bread proved just as good as the wine, rich, flakey and freshly baked. "Where's everyone else?" Hammel asked, finishing the bread and starting on the cheese.

"Mostly still resting," Delphine answered, sitting in the chair across from him. "Gerdur went over to Alvor's to get you fitted for some armor." Delphine looked him up and down, "You'd be dead as High King Torygg if you fought in that getup. Besides, you'll scare skeevers to death and bruise vegetables with that beard. So, once you're done with breakfast, it's down to the river with you. You should have enough time to shave and clean yourself up before I have to shuffle you along to the smithy."

Stuffing cheese down his throat, Hammel said deadpan, "No peeking."

"Can't make any promises," Delphine riposted with a smirk. "Good-looking men are hard to find these days."

"I thought my beard frightened skeevers and bruised vegetables?"

"I'm betting you're not half bad without it."

Draining the rest of his wine, Hammel shrugged, "I don't know what makes a man attractive. I spend my time ogling maidens." After scraping the rest of the crumbs into his mouth, he put his dishes down and cracked his neck.

"Here," Delphine said, tossing him a bundle. "You'll find fresh clothes, a bowl, and a razor. Please put them to good use. Now come along." She stood, motioning for him to follow.

Getting shakily to his feet, Hammel shrugged, "Let's get on with it." Delphine breezed past him with remarkable grace. Hammel followed his much smaller guide out the door into the bright new day.

It was a cool Nordic morning, complete with crisp, sharp air. The town was mostly quiet, save the sounds of hammer on anvil. No doubt Alvor was the source of that sound.

Delphine took him to a slight bend in the river, just outside of Riverwood's walls. The bend was hidden from the town by a cluster of evergreens, protecting his modesty from the passing gaze of any careless villager. It almost seemed man-made, with several large rocks providing makeshift seats and low branches for hanging clothes. They were alone, aside from a few curious squirrels.

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