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"I think when we get home, we should grab a good chunk of our manga collection, not just the ones they want." Lani said, climbing up on the barstool with two sodas in her hand. She pops one open and slides it to Nai.

"Ooh thank you, and I know right. I've been itching to read Fruits Basket again."

"Mhmm. Don't forget Inuyasha. That was peak cinema. I'm due for a dramatic realization."

"What do you mean?"

"You know when Kagome was screaming 'Ahh Inuyashaaa Inuyashaaaa I love you! I love you as a half demon! I love you! Yeah, I felt that shit in my soul."

"Hey ladies. What are y'all talking about?" Benkei walks in twirling his keys around his pointer finger.

"Oh, Hey Benkei. We were just talking about this manga/anime we like. It's called Inuyasha, have you heard of it?" Nai shifts her weight onto the island and crosses her legs.

"Oh god—-." Benkei sighs and drops his bag on the table in front of them.

"What?" Nai looked at the bag then back at Benkei. "What's wrong? You don't like Inuyasha?"

"I'm going be so real with you babe. I can't stand Kagome, to this day she turns my fucking stomach. I can't stand her."

"She's a dummy bitch but I love them!" Lani adds.

"How?! Even as a child I was like bitch you could do better. That shit was not romantic at all. I was rooting against their asses from the beginning. Why were they so toxic?"

"Toxic?!" Lani jerked in the opposite direction.  "Nahhh I loved them together. But maybe it's me. I love drama." Lani scooted over and offered Benkei the seat between her and Nai.

"Oh thank you Lani." He tugged at the legs of his charcoal gray slacks and took his seat. "But I could not stand her. It just always pisses me off when the lead doesn't choose somebody who puts them first or is nice to them without being a complete and total dick first. She was so stupid and then he was so stupid and it was just ugh! I had to keep reminding myself they were like fifteen." Benkei shook his head and watched as Nai gulped down the soda he'd brought to the table with him.

"Fuck Kikyo."

"Unprovoked?!" Nai snorts, almost spitting out the drink.

He blinked down at the empty can then back at Nai before resuming the conversation. "Kikyo didn't bother me much. She told pup boy she didn't want him but did he listen? No!"

"Yeah. She told him that but who kept getting in the way, hm?" Lani paused for a second, like she was waiting for him to answer. "What real reason did she have for always popping up, and why? You don't want him right?!" She tilted her head then turned to her drink. "Kikyo was full of shit and everybody knew! All she brought was mess."

"Tch. Man they used to bring her into shit though! Bitch just didn't want to die again and I don't blame her." Benkei snatched Nai's soda and put it to his lips. "Mmm. Plus she gave you what you wanted. Weren't you the one that said she loves drama?!

"Ugh, and she was mad —," Nai says.

"Understandably." Benkei made a face like that should've been obvious.

"And bitter towards the wrong person." Lani leaned in mockingly.

"But she didn't know that." He returned her sarcasm leaning back into her face. "She was manipudipped too. What do you mean?"

Lani shook her head. "My guy was trying to heal and move on and here she goes—"

"HE WAS NOT! That's why dog breath came running anytime he thought he might have caught a whiff of that pussy. He still loves her stinkin' dirty drawers, til this day!" 

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