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Geoff: i have an ideaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Noah: i bet it's a party

Geoff: as much as i want it too be its not!

Noah: suprising

Geoff: what if we all go to the beach?

Bridgette: Thats a great idea geoffy:)

Leshawna: sure i aint have anything better to do!

Harold: I'll come since luscious Leshawna is coming!

Leshawna: ❤️

Harold: ❤️

Heather: barf

Duncan: how does the dork have a more stable relationship than me? whatever i'll go.

Courtney: I'll go with my girlfriend<3

Duncan: who.

Courtney: ahem reveal yourself!

Gwen: wassup.

Duncan: ...

Tyler: dude that hits hard.

Lindsay: HIIII TABLE!!!

Tyler: hello linds:)

Lindsay: 😘

Cody: sorry guys i will not be able to go! i have plans.

Noah: eh, i'll go why not?

Cody: wow suddenly i dont have any plans anymore! i can go🤗

Heather: simp


Cody: oh.

Dj: i can go too!

 Beth: Im sorry guys! i cant...

Heather: boohoo.

Lindsay: hey! thats my bff! 🤬

Heather: and? not like she has other friends.

Lindsay: she does! and atleast she knows how to make friends! 🤬

Heather: ...



Noah: we are but that was a burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Geoff: ok ok say water if your going to the beach!

Bridgette: water!

Courtney: water

Gwen: water

Leshawna: water!

Harold: Water!

Duncan: water...

Dj: water:)

Noah: water ig?

Cody: water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water waterwater water water water water water water waterwater water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water waterwater water water water water water water waterwater water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water waterwater water water water water water water waterwater water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water waterwater water water water water water water waterwater water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water waterwater water water water water water water waterwater water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water water.

Heather: ok we get it simp. Water

Cody: im not a simp!

Justin: you are. Water

Trent: water:)


tyler: water

Lindsay: water!!


Eva: water.

Owen: water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Geoff: okay is that everyone?

Bridgette: mhm!

Geoff: okay! meet at 2 pm!

Read 8:30 am

1:30 pm. 

Cody's POV

I am so excited to go to the beach! totally not because Noah is com- ANYWAYS HAHAHA-. i search through my closet for a suitable swimsuit, eventually i choose the one that i had on total drama island: Yellow with some green patterns. I cant wait to see Noah... well if it wasnt obvious i had a serious crush on noah but didnt know how to handle it.. then i get a message from the GC.


1:39 pm

Geoff: are you guys ready!

Cody: hell yeah i am!

Heather: only because noah is coming.

Cody: shut up..

Noah: yea i am.

I smile as i see Noah's message he also has been the type not to come to evenements but today it was different... as i grab my car keys and walk down stairs and a note on the fridge that says:

"hey cody! we're gonna be out for a while again for work! love you'' 

I sigh as i rip the note off the fridge and dump it in the trash, ever since my parents got that new job they have been neglecting me, they always buy me expensive stuf since we're rich but never gave me any parent love.

I walk over to my car and start the engine as i started to drive to the beach, i start thinking: justin is gay for trent.... Gwen and courtney are dating... izzy callimg noah mama..? its all a bit odd but i wont judge! 

As i arrive at the beach i see everyone already there, they all greeted me and went back to playing volleyball, finding shells or swimming. I look around for a specific person. And there he was.


Sitting on the beachbed, reading a book so gracefully, so ethereal, so beautiful and so adorable i am basically getting hearts in my eyes! i gather all my courage and approached him leaning against the umbrella saying:

"heya, Noah! what'cha reading??" i ask awkwardly.

He glances at me and says: "just a new book of heartstopper y'know?'' 

i nod and smile awkwardly "why are you just sitting here? arent you getting hot?"

"nah ill be fine." Noah says returning to his book as i have a idea.

i toss the book out of his hands "Hey-'' he couldnt finish his sentence before i pick him up and ran to the ocean

"CODY! PUT ME DOWN!" he kept screaming

as we reach the ocean i toss him in it and then jump after him and we both started laughing. Best. day. ever.

- Melody


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